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  1. #31

    Quote Originally Posted by Klave View Post
    Depende sa HR, pareho sa amo company...naay nasakpan nga naay relationship gibadlong gyud sila sa HR...Gimake sure sa HR nga kibaw ang spouse sa sweldo sa iyang hubby...unya gitaktak ang mas gamay og ranggo...
    Pero don't just talk to anyone...preferable imong duolon ang HR Manager.

    With this...indirect imong approach pag solve sa problem.

    i see..cge ako ni suwayan..maau unta ug ila ni mahatagan ug attention..

  2. #32
    f d nmu kaya isumbong.. try 2 tok 2 ur hubby na pls dont do dat and dis coz basig mao rna mkaguba sa ilang relationship and dat gurl s a flirt....... pagbantai anang mga ingnon ana na gurl coz mga baga na cla ug nawng and mangamong coz ...basta,,

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by burakdaylabsburakdoy View Post
    ako na gstoryahan akong hubby ana..pero maikog daw xa mo badlung sa iya ofism8!..ahak kaayo!..
    ako xa gi ingnan na mo balik pa gani to cla dri sa balay dli na jud ko magpa ngikog ug badlung nila,bahala mka ingon iyang ofism8 na ko ug batasan..

    pde diay mka badlung ang company ana?.
    Pede mam, most companies have internal policies regarding that kind of relationship.. You can always report to their HR department and the school of the ojt..

    Most schools, like USC, have extended agreements to companies who hire ojt's from them that Carolinians must be spared from that kind of harassment.. Basically, it is a form of harassment since authority may have been imminent from the employee who have taken advantage of the ojt..

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by butong101 View Post
    Pede mam, most companies have internal policies regarding that kind of relationship.. You can always report to their HR department and the school of the ojt..

    Most schools, like USC, have extended agreements to companies who hire ojt's from them that Carolinians must be spared from that kind of harassment.. Basically, it is a form of harassment since authority may have been imminent from the employee who have taken advantage of the ojt..

    ahm,actually taga USC ang girl..

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by burakdaylabsburakdoy View Post
    naai ofsma8 ako hubby na laki na minyo na pud..first tym nilang ari sa balay para mag inom kay naa cla kyg na girl na ang OJT daw to sa aila ofis..first pa gani nako sa girl kay lain na ako paminaw..women instinct/..hihihi..mao to nag inom cla..den mga around 2am,ni gawas ko sa amo room ako ako cla gi if nag inom pa ba..pag gawas nako sa sala walai taw,ni gawas ko sa gate daun na sugatan nako ako hubby gkan xa hatod sa uban niya ofism8s..
    pag balik namo sulod sa balay,ni siga akong mata coz naa sa sofa ang kadtong minyo na laki ug kadtong OJT girl..take note ang kamot sa laki kay naa sa sulod sa bra sa girl..mga hubog na man..amo gpukaw ang laki den amo xa gpabalhin ug lain higda.anan,sus ni sunod man gud na ang in lain jud kaau akong feeling ato..wat if nako to mahitabo louy ko sa wife sa laki..daghan na pud na mga binuhat sa minyo na laki ug sa OJT girl..ako na gi bawalan ako hubby na d na to paari.on sa balay..pero mo ari man japun cla oi den ari man mag himo ug milagro..unsa man ako dapat buhaton??..ako kaha isumbong sa wife ang binuhatan sa iya bana?..plss help me coz concenxa na kaau ko..asawa pud baya ko ug naai anak..pls i need ur advise..

    - wow, grabe sad ana sis oi. g.buhat man na motel inyong house. better off na storyahon nimo imong bana about ana, ayaw nlng pag hilabot sa life atong minyo ug ot na girl kay mo gubot lng ug samot. let ang panahon ang mo decide para nila... naa man gd na ang kalooy nimo para sa wife but then, ayaw nlng apil sis.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by burakdaylabsburakdoy View Post
    ahm,actually taga USC ang girl..
    If I were you, I will settle it first the most discreet way as possible, storyaan ang babay(ojt).. I certainly doubt imong husband dapat storyaan cz for sure ma ikog sd siya mo badlong sa iyang ofismate..

    for me, the best way to handle that is for you to talk to the ojt.. talk to her in a manner that is not oppressive and judgmental.. Make it appear humane and humble.. Talk straight.. after which kun mo usab pa then maybe she would left you no choice but to report.. Some departments in USC have asked employeers(company) and their students to have a certain MOA which stipulated that romances and relationship like that is not allowed and not tolerated..

    OT: if your from usc also u can always report to madam ALO.. bwahahahaha.. saonz.. haha

  7. #37
    i'am also a wife..i feel deep sympathy to the wife coz we dont want that to happen to us,right? if i were on ur shoes try to do something indirectly letting the wife know what's been going on..this isn't destroying the relationship between married couple but fixing the differences and trying to solve and correct the wrong the eyes of the Lord, this isnt pleasant..if you are a good christian you must to ur part as a good christian. And you know what i mean..and you also know what's right and what is wrong. Now it's your own call what is the best solution to that problem..Hope that i lighten up your mind..Ask the Lord's help on what to do, for you to be able to act right.. take care and Godbless!

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by tweety3 View Post
    i'am also a wife..i feel deep sympathy to the wife coz we dont want that to happen to us,right? if i were on ur shoes try to do something indirectly letting the wife know what's been going on..this isn't destroying the relationship between married couple but fixing the differences and trying to solve and correct the wrong the eyes of the Lord, this isnt pleasant..if you are a good christian you must to ur part as a good christian. And you know what i mean..and you also know what's right and what is wrong. Now it's your own call what is the best solution to that problem..Hope that i lighten up your mind..Ask the Lord's help on what to do, for you to be able to act right.. take care and Godbless!

    salamat kaau sa maanindot nimo nga mensahe tweety3..

  9. #39
    storyaan nimu katong cgeg anha..

  10. #40
    Elite Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by burakdaylabsburakdoy View Post
    i see..cge ako ni suwayan..maau unta ug ila ni mahatagan ug attention..
    They usually do, and they even do a good job hiding kinsa nagsumbong...
    Basta ayaw lang sad bisag kinsa...preferably gyud HR Manager gyud...kanang pinakataas og rango...para dili mukatag unnecessarily ang scandal...

    Hahays... taga USC ang girl?... pakauwaw ra man na siya oi... With this...some people here are can either go to the school or HR... you have two choices...

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