Another Clarification for car classification:
If you have trimmed your car to fit the rulings for the Autocross National series there will be no problems if you will be joining the kartzone series...most likely car alterations does not have to be done.....
Simply put our rules are:
displacement(engine size)in our rules are similar if not the same as the Nationalseries, the only difference is that we will weigh the car and put you in the appropriate weight class you belong in relation to you displacement.
with regards to tires, we will separate the semi-slicks/slicks class from the normal street tires if you bring your car trimmed for the national autorcross to the kartzone autocross, you will be in a class of similar weight, engine size and tires...which we believe is what matters most for getting closer...fairer times.
hope we all enjoy racing....GOOD LUCK!!!!