Wow i find this thread very interesting and yet kind in thier words lets keep this up.
Ok the people you presented like Hitler kill people. Is he justified? Christians being feed t the Lions is it Justified? Brad do you guys believe in Justice? Ok check this out. Presidents Swear to God, Court of Laws Swear to God you remember this line "SO HELP ME GOD". Why are this very pillars of our society acknowledge God? Are they less intelligent?
Yes I strongly agree with conscience tells you right or wrong? it is written "IT IS WRITTEN IN THE HEARTS OF MEN". But conscience alone is decieving sometimes it feels right when it is wrong. Let me site an example. We all know about euthanism or mercy killings right? Is it right or wrong? what ever it is my point is it is right to some but wrong to some. We need a solid written laws what is RIGHT? right? If that justifies you to kill then laws will become dangerous to us. Why? because people will try to abuse its power.
I am not discussing Bible here sorry for a few lines. But Written Laws of men Failed. The whole country of Germany said it was the failure of Democracy. How come such millions of People Failed to see It is WRONG. Does it mean they are less intelligent? I don't think so, in fact many of the Great Scientist comes from Germany...