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  1. #31

    Default Re: My Husband Left Me


    i know the feeling coz i've experienced it before. sakit kaayo kung byaan kag taw. i must say, na traumatized na ko. when i was a kid, gi "abandon" mi sa akong parents coz they had to go abroad and i didn't see them for such a long time. and then when i grew up, i dated someone, and she left me coz she wasn't happy. and i had to fight for her, fortunately, she came back.

    but there are times that you really have to let go and mas sakit na hinuon kung imo gyud pugson. kung di na gyud gani siya nimo, dili na gyud na.

    sakit lang na nig una, but madugayan mawa rana.

    do some fun activities... go out... have fun... you don't deserve this kind of crap.


  2. #32

    Default Re: My Husband Left Me

    gosh!!! kalain ani wui... forget him..and never give him any 2nd chances! ka grabeh sa iya ginabuhat nimo!! he will learn his lesson! baga xa face! affected kai ko kai maglago ko guys na ing-ana! anyways, move on..dami pa man guys...mas ok gani coz la pa mo baby... get a good him na you're ok..look good and dont mind him..hes not worth it anyways....kaya mo yan...hirap sa 1st pero u can do it...ask lng god for more guidance....goodluck...

  3. #33

    Default Re: My Husband Left Me

    unsa namo ka dugay?

  4. #34

    Default Re: My Husband Left Me

    soft, your story is very deep, painful and yet this is not new this days. i mean you are not alone with this kind of inoppurtune. he's not the guy for you. that's the fact. there is more to life than him.

    read some books. enjoy movies, visit friends, plant some trees, pet a dog, groove urself with music, church every sunday and enjoy the beach. those are the best medicine i could give.

    u need to be strong, plant your feet on the ground, wipe your tears and walk on..

    roll your life.

  5. #35

    Default Help Am I doing the Right Thing with Wayward Husband?

    after a week we broke up wid my husband he called and he said na pwede ba daw cya mo visit he cried bcoz he missed me i said yes so he came to my bhaws and then we tolk..pero galibog ko coz he never mentiond nga magbalik mi..i asked him how is ther relationshp wid the girl and he said walay klaro kay naa daw lain uyab ang gurl..i really loved him despite sa iya gihimo sa ako..i totaly forgave him sa iya nahimo nga sala..i asked him if hapy ba cya sa iya dcision nga ghihimo and he said dli daw galibog daw cya..dle daw cya maka concentrate sa iya work naa cya call center nag work..worrid daw cya how i feel how i cope up wid the situtaion..hes jsut cheking how i was.. he asked me naa na ba nag court nako iya gi chek akong fon..i was happy wid how he reactd pero after a few hours naa cge ug kol niya and i think it was the gurl so nlkaw cya sakit kaau kay i thought nga magblek jud mi pero i was wrong.. when he came bak i asked him musta iya lakw and he said na love daw cya sa gurl..and he loved the gurl also...i wonder wats bothering him when in fact i alrdy 2ld him na im ok and that im starting to move on and live a new life without him but that was exactly the opposite of how i feel..i said those things bcoz i want him 2 be happy i dont want to see him na naglibog and naguol id rather sacrifice myself for his happiness..i told him na its beter na we will not be able to se each other again...galibog ko how he feel towards me naluoy lang ba cya or naa pa cya gmay nga feelings..i dont have the courage 2 asked him kay basin masakitan lang ko sa iya 2bag...i even told him na tarunga imo life kay gusto na daw cya mamaty..hes in the middle daw he dont want to stay at the same time dle pud cya gusto mo move on kay hes afraid to take another risk...nag drugs daw cya just to escape the problem pero no effect dli cya maka2log ug tarung dli pud cya makakaon kay wlay gana..nidaut jud cya pag ayo...i guess thats the consequence of wat he did pero sakitan na hinuon ko pag ayo nga na ing ana the way ang iya kabit or gurl kay laking states and they both working in the same call center..gwpa and sexy taas pa jud..kung sa beauty lang wla jud ko laban..but im trying 2 acept everyting we have 2 se eahc other pa or dli na do i have 2 change my num and transfer 2 another bhaws?..actually he wants us to be friens or best friendz pero ambot galibog ko do u think if ing ana ang situation naa tendency magblik mi..? kasal man gud mi sa church..

  6. #36

    Default Re: My Husband Left Me

    what goes around comes around sis! God has a better plan for you. Plans to PROSPER you and not to destroy you. Be strong things will be alright. Just hang in there sis..

    to the guy. wala akong masabi! sana mag ingat ka!

  7. #37

    Default Re: am i doing the right thing?

    how old are the two of you? how long have you been married?

  8. #38

    Default Re: My Husband Left Me

    no no no pls dont let him get back to your life. diba nag start naman u move on? you may forgive him pero never ever let him fool you again.

    this is all about you, not him. love yourself more this time. okay?

    pls refer to your first thread. some good advice in there..[br]Posted on: March 22, 2008, 11:44:07 AM_________________________________________________g uys pls check her updates on this matter. kindly give her profound advice. help her out.\

    [color=navy]Threads Merged

  9. #39

    Default Re: am i doing the right thing?

    what goes around comes around sis! God has a better plan for you. Plans to PROSPER you and not to destroy you. Be strong things will be alright. Just hang in there sis..

    to the guy. wala akong masabi! sana mag ingat ka! police

  10. #40

    Default Re: am i doing the right thing?

    you are starting to become a commodity in his life, or perhaps a furniture, where in he has access anytime he wants.... It's up to you if you want to be like that for a while. but if you truly want to move on with a different perspective in life then better forget him.. your just gonna get hurt even more.

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