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  1. #21

    Christians are also being discriminated in some muslim countries particularly in saudi arabia, so I hope muslims will understand Netherland.
    Golden Rule:
    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

  2. #22
    daghana anti-muslim ngari ui... we are already stereotyping folks.

  3. #23
    kung pede mag tukud ug mosque sa sa lugar na dili predominantly muslim ang population... nganu man dili pede mag tukod ug simbahan/temple/etc sa lugar na islam ang majority?

  4. #24
    Kinsa bay ganahan nga sila pay immigrant sila pay mamugos sa ilang relihiyon ug balaod. Kung sa ilahang nasod nga gigikanan unsa kahay dangatan sa mga Christians nga mamugos sa relihiyon ug balaod?

    Muslims in Denmark stone Danish woman and her dog | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by brownie View Post
    daghana anti-muslim ngari ui... we are already stereotyping folks.
    either you are a muslim yourself or a dhimmi

    *** Now, you can go to Afghanistan/any muslim country of your choice. Pa sponsoran tka ug one-way ticket way balikay diri sa pinas. how about that?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by C'thulhu View Post
    kung pede mag tukud ug mosque sa sa lugar na dili predominantly muslim ang population... nganu man dili pede mag tukod ug simbahan/temple/etc sa lugar na islam ang majority?
    some of my friends in Europe talk of no-go zones for Christians, Islamic ghettoes being erected even in the major cities of Paris, Marseilles and London as a sign of Islamic invasion.

    Now, you are wondering why the Dutch are reacting this way. they dont want this to happen to their city.
    Last edited by newbie.86; 12-06-2014 at 11:06 PM.

  6. #26
    Dressing your women (yes they seem as objects) as ninjas, pressuring restaurants to use Halal meat, protesting against your own country's troops in time of conflict, refusing to learn or speak English/French/German/Dutch etc and failing to condemn those within your community who commit acts of terror. So-called Islamophobia isn't as irrational as it's made out to be.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie.86 View Post
    either you are a muslim yourself or a dhimmi

    *** Now, you can go to Afghanistan/any muslim country of your choice. Pa sponsoran tka ug one-way ticket way balikay diri sa pinas. how about that?

    - - - Updated - - -

    some of my friends in Europe talk of no-go zones for Christians, Islamic ghettoes being erected even in the major cities of Paris, Marseilles and London as a sign of Islamic invasion.

    Now, you are wondering why the Dutch are reacting this way. they dont want this to happen to their city.
    ok ra ko sir, no need for your sponsorship. get laid sir.
    Last edited by brownie; 12-07-2014 at 03:49 PM.

  8. #28
    ma'y gani ingun ani ra gibuhat....

    kung ako pabot-on, parehason nako sa china...e-harass jud ni mga muslim, tananon na lang...mga extremist ani nila mo tago ra pud sa mga muslim civilians. mga traydor kaayu ning mga hinampak yawa...sige ug buhat ug pirated dvd ang salida gani sa ilang brother na si robin padilla e-pirate pud. LOL

  9. #29
    venomous religion

    a clear and present danger sa free world

  10. #30
    It's because people don't want to offend, they want to be "politically correct". I think political correctness has been taken too far IMO. Lines should be drawn.

    Good luck EU.

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