@lhorenzoo I don't think you know how promo fares work bro.. they are dirt cheap because they only cover the fuel and taxes, that means the airlines get no profit from these fares, they are subsidized by full fee paying passengers who pay 3-4x the fare. So the promo passengers are only helping get the plane off the ground covering the fuel cost, they don't cover anything else like maintenance of the craft or the leasing fees of the planes. These promo seats are only sold at those prices because they would have been empty so the carrier is forced to sell them at very low fares.
Just because there are people who don't think these fares are cheap doesn't mean they aren't dirt cheap from the airlines POV. Without these promo fares these passengers wouldn't even be able to fly. Before budget airlines existed, people had to pay through the nose to fly the established airlines. I think people are forgetting those days when only very few people were able to even fly to Manila. Now almost everyone who has a job is able to afford these fares and some people are even able to save enough to fly to Hong Kong or other countries, imagine that under PAL monopoly no way... People are just being ingrates and forgetting how things were like when PAL was the only way to fly. Cos then you'd realize these fares even if you think they fooled you into paying for the fuel to get the plane off the ground are still giving you a good deal...
But who we kidding, there will always be people who think they're being screwed over by the budget carriers. If these carriers were forced to close, then these are the same people who'll pray for the carriers to come back.. =P I'm glad budget carriers are around, I don't care if their marketing isn't 100% honest, cos I'm grateful to be paying 1/3 of the price I'd normally pay and can save money.