for me. i don't think it's possible to stay in a long relationship other than love. siguro kung months lang pero kung years na ang istoryahan, para naku impossible.
for me. i don't think it's possible to stay in a long relationship other than love. siguro kung months lang pero kung years na ang istoryahan, para naku impossible.
For some people, yes its possible to stay in a relationship without love or in absence of love. A lot of reasons as unique as the person experiencing it. Maybe due to obligations and responsibilities, convenience factor, if both have common kids living with them. legalities lang whatever the reason may be. And its not a happy scenario usually. Wala lang choice.
anything is possible.. yah,,maybe it was not love after all.. kuyog lang as what you have said.. unya na realize nalang after sometime..
Is it possible that someone stays in a long term relationship for reasons other than Love?
bEeN tHeRE dONE tHAT...
I uSEd tO be inVOlvE iN a 3-YEAR rELAtioNshIp tHEn I Just FeLL OUt OF LovE BeCAuSE HE WaS ToO InTeLLEcTuAL BuT I'M DeFiNite ThAt He LoVes ME..... I StAyEd In OuR ReLationShip FOR AnOThEr YEar BeCauSe I Don'T WaNt To HuRt Him And hE IS FinIShinG Law SchOOL. I DOn'T WaNt tO HamPEr His StuDies... BuT The MoRe I StaYEd... The MoRe It Hurts. EvErYTIme He saYs "I LoVe YOu" It FeLt thoRn PrickiNg Pains WiThin As If I coULd FeeL My HeArt BLeeDing Jud. So I GathErEd ALL My CoURage thEn ToLD Him The TrUTh....
We BroKE Up Then Up To NoW We are StiLL FriEnds... My PreSent BoYFriend JuSt geTs IntiMidAted wiTh HIm... HEheheh. OT Na na CyA!
Yeah...that's possible. Reality sucks. We all fall out of loveeeeeeee sometimes.....
possible jud na labi na kasagaran natong mga pinoy..pul-anon...
OT: giganahan man ni si marcus mangukay ron dah.. mga karaan man ni nga threads ..waaahhh
you are in love with the idea of being loved back
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