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  1. #21

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    Almost all the different types of RAID utilize the SAN storage system. The SAN stands for the Storage Area Network. This SAN is a storage network that is especially designed for establishing the connections between the different storage systems or the subnets. The importance is that it has a high speed of connection. The RAID is a specific system that utilizes the normal hardware but the technological implementations make it most complex. The RAID 0 also has the same typicality as that in other types of the RAID. But the difference between the RAID 0 and others types of RAID is that it is purposely used in “disk stripping”. The disk stripping is done by interleaving the data in specific groups. The data is spread in lots of chunks across disk in the RAID set.

    Since the data is spread out in chunks, hence the load also gets divided. Hence the RAID 0 has a better performance as compared to the other drives. The basis of the performance is due to the distribution of the data in other words the distribution of the load over the system. Hence the term disk stripping is used here. Also the physical load of the storage disk gets reduced due to the distribution. The load over the operating system also gets reduced considerably. The RAID 0 is one among the most widely used storage system.

    The most eye catching feature of the RAID 0 is that there is no parity generation over here. This feature of the non parity generation makes sure that there is no overhead to write the data to the RAID 0 disks. Since the data is spread over the different parts of the system hence RAID 0 is better for high performance and not for the availability. The RAID 0 specifications can be combined with the other RAID types to form a completely altogether different RAID system. For example the RAID 0 can be combined in the formation of RAID 1+0 by combining it with the RAID 1.

    Hence the RAID 0 has a performance that is well suited for a storage server system. Moreover since the data is spread over the entire storage system the availability of the data is may become a problem for the RAID server. The practical problems regarding the sorting and searching of large databases also need to be observed while utilizing the services of the RAID 0 storage drive. The RAID 0 is still, despite the problems encountered in the availability of data a widely used storage system.

    The large data bases may develop serious practical problems in the query execution. The RAID 0 disk is better in the performance but the availability of the data is a problem when the RAID 0 is used. The parity is not generated for the RAID 0 storage disks. It means that the redundancy check for the parity is not generated here.

    The practical implementation of the RAID 0 disk requires the usage of two storage disks. At least two physical storage hard disks are required while implementing the RAID 0 drive. The duplicated data may be stored in the other disk as well. The other method of distinguishing the different types of the disks is by referring them as the Level 0, Level 1 and so on. In that sense of terminology the RAID 0 is referred to as the Level 0 disk. This RAID 0 disk interleaves the data across multiple disks which increases the performance. The word performance here refers to the speed of access of the system. The RAID 0 is most widely used for the purpose of gaming.

    Taken this article from at

  2. #22

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    Yeah. i made my 2 HDD to RAID0. i was able to. but in the end, it just crashed.

    after booting up again, all files are LOST!!!!

    think about how many gamers and files i'm going to install in my 1TB RAID0 Space if in just 1 CRASH. all these games ive installed will be gone without a chance of recovering.

    personally, i dont prefer RAID0... i'll just use my 1st 500GB for the Files of my games and the 2n 500GB will be for my important files and other files.

    i really think there is not much difference when you are in RAID0. i tried playing RF, Warcraft with RAID0 and there isn't much difference in the loading time (not speed of the game since RAID0 only improves the speed of READ/WRITE. am i right?)

  3. #23

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    I wonder why your having some issues with Raid0 configuration? Anyway, could you please run 3DMark06 and post it in the link below:,183193.0.html
    Any Raid does not affect 3d mark scores.

  4. #24

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    Quote Originally Posted by brown_dog
    Any Raid does not affect 3d mark scores.
    I only wanted his score since he has a new rig, not because of Raid0. I know it wont do nothing about 3dmark score.

  5. #25

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    hehe. it would also be safe for me since i have very very important web files for my site which i really need always..

    and also i can use the other 500GB HDD for archiving Movies and Anime. hehe

  6. #26

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    Quote Originally Posted by ace_maranga
    RAID SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Damn, just when was finished installing about everything i need esp the games. It just crashed even when my computer was in idle... T_T

    I really didnt' notice any additional speed when i tried some games when RAID was still OK.

    And it also took me 2 days to install windows XP when using raid since i don't have a floppy drive to install a RAID driver. damn.

    i'll just make my 2nd HDD a place for my important files and my main for the Games and Programs. ^_^

    Again, RAID SUCKS!
    duha duha noon ko dah kng mag raid0 ba ko sa ako HDDs o dili..

  7. #27

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    big companies like where i work nakaraid among mga server. dili man siguro mi mutrust sa amo data na ibutang og raid configuration kung palpak ni na solution, right? we are storing terabytes+ of data on a daily basis from approximately 3,000 network client PC's.

  8. #28

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    Quote Originally Posted by ston3sour
    duha duha noon ko dah kng mag raid0 ba ko sa ako HDDs o dili..
    raid0 is not in the real sense of the word a true is just striping/spanning two or more hdisks....there is no R there...R being redundancy.that is why if u lose a disk, u lose all data.
    Big companies have true RAID systems(w/hot swaps & fault tolerance etc.) bec. they could not afford to lose data(wala raba baligya data para ila). The best RAID so far that i've use was on an EMC Drive Array-3300 with 800GB on RAID-S.Yes RAID-S(as in Super)...cpu was an HP-RP8400(10 RISC processors/16GB ram).backup/restore was done via auto tape device with robotic arm.

  9. #29

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    Good for you to those who have RAID... T_T

    I've just finished installing all the games especially those large ones on my HDD's without RAID.

  10. #30

    Default Re: RAID 0 and SATA Questions? Please Help me mga master..

    [img width=500 height=312][/img]
    My raid0 drive.

    Below link could be usefull for everyone:

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