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@McVos(from now on I will no longer call you brother that’s from you ,not from us), don’t go around and make a lengthy discussion in this thread trying hard to discredit the authenticity of the Qur’an, for once and until the end of the world the Qur’an prove its worth, it was able to change people and nation into a humane and civilized society , that is history, it was made operational laws in more than 50 countries in the world. Scientific Revelations in the Qur’an were confirmed by science and that’s a fact. If you mean that the bible is not concern about laws in governmental functions then it does not serve its purpose. Islam with all its glory covers the whole aspects of man’s life and to the Muslims it is the Moral Force on earth. God does not leave His people disorganize and in total confusion that’s why he sent Prophets and Messengers with revelations to guide them. Islam has more to offer to humanity and what’s yours. You are a typical Christian missionary determine to sow confusion from among yourselves not the Muslims, because as I have said, we have the TRUTH. And don’t let me spell the truth in your bible for I’m not going to do it here to avoid resentments from among Christians for once in my life I was a Christian too, any sincere Christians will go to that links that I have been given in my previous post.
Sure don't call me brother,I don't want to be the cause of your sin. Call me Kuffar instead
. I can do whatever I want here as long as I'm walking w/in the bounds provided by the administration. My issue is not on the moral provisions found in your Book. If you look closer.. my contention is-the qur'an is not the word of God. Any great man can write a book about morality and effect change on the lives of people and of a nation. Take Confucius as an example.
Again,your qur'an espouses a sun circling around the earth, not very scientific. I don't need your marketing skills here, lay your evidence properly. You said its the truth but where is the evidence? A mere proclamation of semantics won't help prove your point.
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I will leave you this challenge, a revelation from the Qur’an as a Christian;
From those too who call themselves Christians We did take a Covenant but they forgot a good part of the Message that was sent them: so We estranged them with enmity and hatred between the one and the other to the Day of Judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done. Qur’an 5:14
I doubt if you can disprove this, because records shows more and more Christians denominations sprung up from just one bible with many versions and everyone is claiming to have the truth. Take note, you can never reconcile your differences until the Day of Judgment.
I cannot disprove it cos first of all the bible speaks about it, the of falling away of the believers. Many will be deceived and false teachers propagating false gospels. Even before Muhammad wrote it down in the Qr'an the God of the Christians have already spoke about it. I guess Muhammad got the idea from the bible.
And what about Islam? you have groups like Ahmadiyya,Shia,Sunni,Wahabi,salafi,Sufi etc...
each group even has sub-groups.
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I don’t have to defend Islam in any attacks from non-Muslims, all I have to do is to share what I know for Allah(may He be glorified) reveals in the Qur’an;
ow sorry I though you are here to defend Islam. So what are you doing posting statements for Islam and blocking the critics' spears making sure that Islam would come out victorious? I think I know now what you are doing here, its this...when evidence is asked just pretend you're not here to defend Islam.
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Fain would they extinguish Allah's light with their mouths but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected even though the unbelievers may detest (it). It is He who hath sent His apostle with guidance and religion of truth to proclaim it over all religions even though the pagans may detest (it). Qur’an 9:32-33
Proof to this is more and more people embrace Islam not just here in the Philippines but around the world, it is not a phenomena but a revelation from God. And Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
numbers don't mean anything, if you were to ask me, i'll say more and more people are deceived. Read this...
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The Islamic religion has a long history of myth making. The claim they are the fastest growing religion in the world is pure myth. We have collected the latest statistics from David A. Barrett’s huge two volume, "World Christian Encyclopedia", the 2001 AD edition. In case you haven’t heard of this work, it is the world standard for religious statistics.
Muslim's claim that their growth rate is 235 percent and 47 percent for Christianity. This statistic came from the Readers Digest Almanac and Yearbook 1983, and represents 235 percent increase over 50 years. Muslims always leave off the 50 year fact to make it appear they are going 235% every year. A simple review of the readers Digest study shows that the growth rate of Islam vs. Christianity is directly linked to the birth rate in Third World countries where Islam dominates and not actual conversions to each religion. Christianity has always been larger than Islam. These statistics from Readers Digest are over 20 years old. Further, we do not consider readers digest to be an authority on such matters. Why will Muslims not quote real authoritative statistics from certified research groups who show Islam is not the fastest growing religion in 3/4’s of the worlds countries. By:Brother Andrew of Bible.ca --------[url=http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-myths-fastest-growing.htm
235% Growth rate? Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world[/url]
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Dong, when you say, There is only ONE GOD I agree with you because that is the TRUTH, but when you say GOD is THREE in ONE then I will say to you, YOU ARE LOST! Because that is illogical and cannot be accepted in whatever logical thoughts you think you have.
who says that God is THREE IN ONE? tsk tsk..this is a straw man's argument. I think the qur'an is responsible for making that false claim. Jesus,Mary,God this is the Qur'an's version of trinity not from the bible. What the qur'an is pointing as false trinity is Jesus,Mary,God and not the biblical trinity. Therefore in that case the qur'an is correct because Christians have never advocated such type of trinity.
ah so you wan't to put God in a box? Can you provide a logical explanation of God? no one in his right mind can give a perfect and logical description of who or what God is, and i bet you too can't give a logical explanation of who Allah is.
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Debates and disputes will lead us to nothing; any sincere seekers of truth will know who speak the truth;
So if they dispute with thee say: "I have submitted my whole self to Allah and so have those who follow me." And say to the people of the Book and to those who are unlearned: "Do ye (also) submit yourselves?" If they do they are in right guidance but if they turn back thy duty is to convey the Message; and in Allah's sight are (all) His servants. Qur’an 3:20
yeah truth is simple I agree, but the qur'an complicated it by missing the proper concept of the Godhead.
ow so you are not here to debate? if that's the case then im giving you into the hands of the most ruthless critics of religion they are the iStoryan Wolves.
sige dong ari sa ko ha. pasagdan nalang sa ka nako. i thought gud makig debate ka hehe.