so lets break it down a bit...
web browser doesnt do flash, real media, or windows media...
ipod doesnt have 3G...
doesnt have voip support...
doesnt have IM support...
can't download or buy media directly from the iphone...
so basically wifi functionality is crippled...
lacks flickr integration...
3rd party apps limited via safari...
virtual keyboard isnt as joyful to use...
not exactly the best ipod ever made as what job claims...nano/shuffles are better for workout buffs as the iphone just isnt small enough for the purpose...and most serious users would have more than 8gb of data (video library palang kulang na) barely fitting lord of the rings trilogy...fact is i dont think lord of the rings trilogy special extended edition will fit in 8gb of capacity @ best iphone resolution...
as stated in many of those reviews...this is THE MOST HYPED gizmo to date...