View Poll Results: ARE WE ALONE in the UNIVERSE?

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  • NO

    114 83.21%
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  1. #11

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    wow thanks for the info gilbz...

    it's sooooo MIB... and it is very very possible indeed!

  2. #12
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    you are very much welcome maria. i admire you're braveness in telling us about you're experience in ormoc city. a lot of people have similar experiences, but are afraid to admit them for fear of ridicule...or they are just simply clueless as to what they have witnessed.

  3. #13

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?


    somehow the idea of aliens still baffles me.. from what i have read in the DULCE papers, their intentions aren't very beneficial to the human race... but then again, if they've been here before us, and if i were in their shoes, i would want to claim what is mine... like a first come first serve basis, perhaps... well, i guess we will have to wait and see!

    i just hope i won't get to see those Reptilians or Draconians or their drones face to face because i don't think i can handle it

    and the crop circles... FASCINATING!

  4. #14

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    after reading all the things posted above.. somehow i'm starting to believe it.

  5. #15
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    i very much understand what's baffling you maria. the thing is, when we say "aliens" we tend to assume that they are only of one group...we forget that we may be dealing with multiple races with varied intentions. the concept of good and evil holds true to them to. for all we know, the 'eternal battle between good and evil" being mentioned in holy scriptures might actually be about the "battle" among races with opposing intentions in dealing with other races in this universe. you see, the concept of UFOs and aliens should never be seen within the context of "modern, space-age, futuristic, etc." they are actually symbols of our awakening and discovering who we really are, what we really are and our role in the universe...where do we humans fit in the scheme of things. UFOs and aliens are already present long before we started dreaming about flight, conquering the skies and the space beyond it. in the olden times, we see them as gods, fairies, angels...they are entities with capabilities early humans cannot comprehend, thus, humans worshiped them. in the passage of time, wars and religious conflicts occured...each side fighting in the name of their gods. i don't intend to sound religious...but the "miraculous events" that man have witnessed in the past, the very details of these experiences are very much similar to the details of a present day encounter with what we call aliens and ufos. a lot of things around us that we call modern are actually ancient and primitive. nuclear power is what our sun and most stars are all about...yet most of us trace it's "invention" back to albert einstein. we know that the first nuclear attack is in hiroshima and nagasaki. what we are not aware of is that nuclear weapons have already been used during biblical times and even before that. a nuclear holocaust is often described in ancient writings as the "wrath of god" capable of wiping out an entire country. in the early 1900s, in Tunguska, Siberia, humans were baffled by a strange explosion of an object falling from the sky. the explosion wiped out an entire forest for miles around ground zero. those that survived became afflicted with a malady that medicine at that time cannot ground zero scientist found that the soil and sand has melted and fused into a shiny glass-like material. when nuclear weapons are invented and after the attack in japan, the scientists looked back at the tunguska incident...and they probably scratched their heads in amazement. the tunguska incident they discovered is a nuclear explosion, the strange malady is actually radiation sickness...what they cannot comprehend is...what is a nuclear device doing at a time when it has not yet been invented by man? what is that strange fiery object that witnesses saw falling from the sky in a manner that looks like it was being manoevered in vain?

  6. #16

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    very well said...
    and this one here is a good explanation (for those who need enlightenment):

    According to TAL, ages ago "...a CONFLICT with other beings, ELs [human giants] destroyed most of the Reptoid civilization, which forced some into deep caverns & others to leave earth -- to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore was associated with evil reptilian creatures... The conflict is a Species War, between the Evadamic Seed & the 'Serpent' [draconian] Seed.

    "Under cover of darkness, with bases hidden inside the earth, this nocturnal invader has chosen to reclaim what was once theirs & use it, and us, as a staging area in their ancient conflict with the 'ELs'.

    "...We all came to know that the 'Visitors' were here to stay. We also learned how the Reptilian Race was RETURNING to Earth & the 'Greys' [who are mercenaries] WERE BEING USED to interface [with] & manipulate hu-mans. Their DEMONIC AGENDA was to keep earth surface [man] CONFUSED & unaware of their true nature & potential... ALSO THE KNOWLEDGE OF VAST & VARIED CIVILIZATIONS LIVING WITHIN THE EARTH.

    "The Fantastic Truth was made to seem a fantasy, a legend, a myth, an illusion! The REPTOIDS are RETURNING to earth to use it as a staging area, in their ANCIENT CONFLICT with the Elohim (the angelis forces of the Almighty Creator, as well as the Nepheli who were not angels as some believe but actual humans of tall stature who in ancient times were undeservingly worshipped as 'gods'. - Branton) The ADAMIC Race has underground bases within Mars -- they are a 'Warrior Cult' culture.

    "...There is a vast network of Tube Shuttle connections, under the U.S., which extends into a GLOBAL SYSTEM OF TUNNELS & SUB-CITIES... Note: The reptilians DO NOT consider them-selves 'Aliens'... they claim Terra [3rd from the Sun] was their home before we humans 'arrived'.

    "...As a species," TAL continues, "the reptilian heritage beings [the Greys, Reptoids, Winged Draco with 2 horns -- the classic stereotype of the 'Devil']... are highly analytical & technologically oriented. They are seriously into the sciences of automation [& computers] & bio-engineering [& genetics]! However, their exploits in these areas has led to reckless experimentation, WITH TOTAL DISREGARD FOR ETHICS [moral standards] AND EMPATHY. This is also true of MANY OF THE HUMAN BEINGS WORKING WITH THEM!"

  7. #17
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    [i][i]Nice definitely can enlighten people with big question marks hanging over their heads. yes, it is scary...but look at our world today. it is actually happening now. civilizations rise and fall intermitently all throughout earth's history. below is an excerpt from a book called "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human" by virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle.


    The Firmament and Lemuria

    The term Firmament has been mentioned at different times in history, but a mysterious cloud surrounds the true nature of this concept. Find below fascinating information about what the Firmament was, why it was important, and how it played a role in the Lemurian civilization.


    The Firmament was a layer of frozen water (ice) above the Earth's surface. It was a huge crystalline shield in two sections, one situated at 15,000 - 18,000 and the other at 35,000 to 38,000 feet above the Earth's surface. It was like a clear lens. At certain times of the day, when light was reflected, it served as a mirror of the world below. Crystal temples all over the Earth held up the Firmament.

    Who Made The Firmament?

    The Firmament was originally constructed by the initial etheric civilization that came to earth approximately 35 million years ago. This was done to protect planet Earth from the radiation of the Sun and other dangerous cosmic radiation that regularly come through the solar system. The Firmament was maintained, broken, and re-established many times as different civilizations and invasions came. Thus, various floods have occurred throughout the geological history of this planet ever since the time of that initial etheric civilization.

    The Absence of Weather

    When the Firmament existed it was under the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy - and those who constructed the crystal temples in accordance with the Spiritual Hierarchy's wishes - so it could perform several functions for the atmosphere of the planet. First, it lowered the radiation and heat levels so that the climate of Earth, from North Pole to South Pole, was within five degrees of one another! Thus, the tropics were around the upper 70s (degrees Fahrenheit) and the polar regions were around the lower 70s. Large ice sheets did not exist across the north and south polar regions as you have today.

    The second major difference in the atmosphere was that the winds and clouds did not exist. There were no clouds and every day was a sunny day! What further added to this fact was that the winds were minimal and were kept to a maximum of 5 - 7 miles per hour. Also, because there were no clouds, there were no rainstorms; so rain is something that is unique to your present era.

    A Storehouse of Prana

    The complete Firmament atmosphere invigorated the mind and body since the radiation energy stored prana in the Firmament. Prana then drifted across the Firmament and maintained it almost as if it were a giant refrigerator. You might call it a refrigerator of prana or energy!

    The body of any creature existing on your planet was invigorated by this energy. The heat and other radiation that would cause body deterioration were kept out of your surface atmosphere by the Firmament. Another side affect of the Firmament was that the stars were magnified so that the sky would be seen as through a huge telescope. Thus, the Firmament prevented a ravaged atmosphere in which there are great differences in climate, storms, and extremes of weather. Also, a large amount of radiation was prevented from entering Earth's atmosphere. After the Firmament's collapse, radiation eventually shrunk the physical size of humans and gradually limited the length of their life span. In fact, some biblical stories include long-lived beings. This is a result of the protection of the Firmament. Your present atmosphere does not protect life as the Firmament once did (and will do so again).


    As the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis matured, conflict developed between the two. As a last resort to the struggle for control, they decided to attack the crystal temples which held the Firmament in place. Initially, the strategy was to destroy the Firmament above the enemy. However, they underestimated the effect of the destabilization of the Firmament.

    Attacks were made simultaneously on the crystal temples, and so disrupted the structure of the Firmament in the heavens. This caused the end of the Firmament, and the falling of millions of gallons of water from the sky. This is historically and biblically known as the Great Flood.

    What was left behind was not only a period of roughly 40 days of rain but a whole new world. The old histories of humanity had been virtually flooded away and all that was left were the oral stories and legends

  8. #18
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Below is a questionnaire from the International Center for Abduction Research. The objective of the questions below is to help a person identify if he/she has been or is an on-going subject of alien abduction. The center is an NGO-type agency created to help people identify and deal with their past and present encounters with alien beings.



    Have you ever seen a UFO? If yes, please give a short description of the events surrounding the sighting(s)?

    As a child or an adult, did you ever experience any odd periods of time of an hour or more when you were lost but you don't remember being lost?

    Do you have any scars or marks on your body that neither you nor your parents can remember how you received?

    While awake have you actually seen a frightening figure ("monster," a "bogeyman," a "witch," or a "Devil") as a child and/or as an adult in your bedroom, closet, or anywhere else?

    Have you ever experienced an odd displacement in which you found yourself inexplicably in a location different from where you remember being only seconds before and it was not the common "road hypnosis" while driving?

    Have you ever dreamed of being in a hospital?

    Have you ever dreamed about lying on a table?

    Have you had any disturbing or realistic dreams about babies or small children?

    Have you ever dreamed about UFOs?

    Have you ever woken up paralyzed with a sense of a person, presence, or something else in the room?

    Have you ever seen lights or balls of light in your room for which you have no explanation?

    If you are a woman, have you ever had any unusual problems with pregnancy?

    If you are a woman, have you ever felt certain that you were pregnant, but the pregnancy suddenly disappeared?

    Have you ever felt that you were actually and inexplicably flying and it was not an out of body experience or a dream?

    Do you have inexplicable fears about certain areas such as stretches of highway, open fields, rooms in a house, and so forth?

    Have you actually left your body, or had an unwanted and\or unexpected out-of-body experience?

    Has a deceased relative or friend ever visited you in your home at night?

    Have you ever seen or sensed the presence of a ghost?

    Have you ever had a religious vision or visitation?

    (Sorry, I'm required to ask the following two questions. These questions deal with how one copes with unusual events rather than whether one has invented them.)

    Have you ever been hospitalized for psychiatric or psychological disorders?

    Are you on medication for emotional or psychological problems?

    Have you ever awakened wearing clothes that were not yours and you do not know how you got them, and/or have you ever awakened with your clothes on in the wrong way or not on at all when you had put them on correctly?

  9. #19

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    that questionnaire is something alright

    as for the firmament i know i've heard about that somewhere before when i was reading about ancient civilizations and mythology, or was it in discover channel? well, yeah my take on this issue is that it's too bad there's no real tangible proof and it requires a lot of intelligence to be able to comprehend its existence.. nevertheless, it is a viable thing.

    since we are talking about ancient history/myth & planetary science, they are beyond documentation really.. more or less unfounded assumptions... the best thing here is not belief but awareness.. just my 2 cents.


    as a reference, we have GENESIS:
    God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate between water and water.” So God made the firmament, and separated the waters which were beneath the firmament and the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. God called to the firmament” “Heaven.” And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.

    from Wikipedia:
    It appears that the ancients believed that there were bodies of water, one in the sky and one on earth, that would have a tendency to fall into each other. A firmament would thus be necessary to separate these bodies of water so that the water of the heavens could remain separate from the body of earthly water. They may have believed that the sky was essentially an elliptical dome, atop a flat Earth, upon which the stars were affixed. Once medieval Christians had taken up the Ptolemaic system, the idea of the firmament had to be accommodated to a spherical Earth and celestial sphere.


    For me, the Atlantis story is still a great mystery...and the most fascinating there is!

  10. #20

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Lemuria the land of Mu

    Approximately 14,000 years ago, the culture known as Lemuria was thriving. There were also other cultures on Earth, such as Atlantis, which were thriving as well.

    Lemuria or Mu was a land mass lying in the Pacific Ocean, that extended from the part of the United States all the way to South America. The Lemurian stage of existence had to do with the race consciousness learning the lesson of physical attunement. Humanity as a whole progresses in stages, and physical attunement was the key lesson during this period of history.

    The Lemurians were very philosophical and spiritual people. Much more so than the Atlantean civilization which was much more technologically advanced and focused.

    The first Lemurians were rather inflexible in character, this attitude was to undergo transformation, traversing many stages of behavior, from expressing a grateful, relaxed joy of living to a spoiled selfishness in the latter days of their Age.

    Their racial growth closely paralleled an improvement in the world's climate and atmosphere, which was also responsible for improvement in their standard of living and eventually led to a beneficient cultural enviroment.

    At first, life was simple, their physique was delicate, but they stabilized their physical well-being with a diet of fresh fruits and herbs, which nurtured their changing metabolism.

    They ate simply, with reverence for their nourishment and gratitude towards those who had provided it. Gradually, their lives became less strenuous and they were able to express a more intense joy of living. There was a great deal of interaction between them and their friends, and because of their telepathic skills, trust was established between them and most animal species.

    The holy people or the prophets of the Lemurian culture began to be aware that something was going to be changing. They began receiving information that the Earth was going to go through a very dramatic shift. The shift that they were referring to was what is call the Great Flood.

    These holy people of Lemuria were very much in touch with the land. They were the ancient ancestors of the Native Americans.

    They began to be aware that it was very important that the knowledge from Lemuria be preserved. And so for about 2,000 to 3,000 years, they were preparing for this great cataclysm. They began spreading their teachings about the Earth and about mankind's history to as many people as they possibly could. They believed that if they could spread this information to as many people as possible, the information would be stored within the cells of the human bodies. Then it would never be forgotten.

    They also began to store information in crystals. These crystals were taken deep within the Earth to be stored and preserved. These ancient Lemurians also began to create detailed maps of the underground tunnels that existed between power points on the planet. They also took the time to prepare their plans. They knew that they would receive a sign telling them it was time to go underground before the floods came. So they prepared themselves for these several thousand years to be the sacred keepers of the records of Earth. They knew it was very important that the information they held be saved for when the waters receded, otherwise the entire history of Earth and the sacred teachings of the Lemurians would have been lost forever.

    These holy people received their signs and began going underground. This occurred approximately one year before the flood. While underground, they learned to live there and use the underground environment for their sustenance. They built very supportive and loving communities underground. During that year, they did the final work involved in preserving some of the knowledge that they knew needed to be preserved.

    Then the flood came. All these people who were underground were safe from the waters, even though many, many people on the surface of the Earth perished. When the waters receded, the people emerged from underground. The land they once knew was now very different. This emergence from the Earth is the point at which the Native Americans' creation history begins. In a very literal sense, they did emerge from the Earth. Most of the native peoples have lost the exact literal memory of this emergence, but within the highest ranks of the shamans, this knowledge is still passed on.

    Now, this is from the point of view of the Native Americans, but they were not the only people who went underground. The holy people all around this planet went underground. For instance, the Aborigines in Australia and those who were later to become the Druids in England were all preserving their knowledge underground as well. The Druids were preserving the ancient Atlantean information, as were the Egyptians. But the native peoples of the Pacific area, including Asia, were preserving the Lemurian information. These native peoples, even today, hold within themselves this sacred knowledge. Some of it is conscious but most of it lies in the subconscious. The Ainu of Japan are one of the tribes that preserved some of the knowledge. There was a great cooperation among all of these peoples on Earth to make sure that the sacred teachings were never lost.

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