Thank you kau sa nag comment. Hehehe
What I did is, I put my camera on the table since I don't have a tripod. Then, I checked the angle of my camera, the wideness and range. Arranged the self timer w/ multi shots on it. then to make another post and shots don't try to move the camera so it won't damage the angle of the photos. Take another shots until your satisfied on it. After taking some pictures, download it in your computer. Select the best pictures that you had, and open it in Adobe Photoshop. Select a picture that would be your main photo.
1.) IMG_3296 = main photo.
2.) IMG_3393 = The selected photo/body to be pasted in the main photo.
Crop the other image/s, by using Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make it sure that you would crop just the selected body, don't crop the whole thing. Then, right click and select Layer via Copy.
In the right side, you can see the layers including the new cropped body. Drag the cropped body to the main photo.
Next is to fit the cropped body to the main photo using Move Tool and try to see the details between the cropped body and the main photo ; like the frame, rag, and the lamp.
If there's a different between those two. Try to clean the edges of the cropped body by using Erase Tool and figure out the Master Diameter and the hardness. Make it sure the percentage of the hardness is between 15%-25%. So it would be smooth in erasing the edges.
The end...
I hope naka sabot mo. Hahaha...
Anyway, here's the finish product :
800 (size) :