lol....di nako aning mga topic na ingon ani....
Jesus died for us... Jesus Loves us... He is the true one that care for us and will never leave us whatever happens... let us always trust Him the Lord and Only Savior... we will find true happiness and peace in Him and His Word...
Lahi naman ang golden rule karon ..
Who Holds the GOLD RULE!!!! Hehehe
Love god above all and love others as you love yourself, package nana sa 10 commandments.
Pahipi lang ko TS... ^__^
OT=murag kaduha nani nmo bro sigun sa akong nasugatan.
gilamat guro ko ay.
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Simple. LOve your neighbors as you love yourself. Treat your neighbors as you would treat yourself.
And everything you do, bring the glory to GOd.
The reason why we are created here is to bring GLory to GOd. Not ourselves, but to GOd. every glory you have came from God.
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