My simple take on leadership and implementation of Law
Marcos did a bit of good during his time especially with infrastructure , the surrounding of friends, the wife, problems would be a big discussion (and it is a never ending debate). A good leader never forgets he or she is a mere Servant to the people, but one should be a strong leader. We need a good , firm leader.
The way I see it , part of the problem in this country is Culture, hesitation of Change, old norms and traditions from different foreign cultures. We are so used to getting off easy and everyone thinks he/she is correct. A good example when you go on a trip, why is everyone in a rush to go in the plane or leave the plane, does everyone have an important function to attend? Or do we just want to be first in line?
I believe the Philippines need a strong dictator similar to Singapore. Why? well here's a simple question to all... Why are Filipinos abroad model citizens , Why do we follow rules and law? The Answer, law is implemented. A cop sees a speeding vehicle , pull over , and gives a ticket. You can't reason, explain like most of us do here - Well off course the exception is say your wife is having a baby, they will even escort you to the hospital. But folks you see my point?
In addition, people need to have faith in country, government, and themselves. We have lost our belief in the system. You talk to the blue collar class, they do not care what is happening around them, most especially in government. It's every man for himself. One has to restore faith that we can be better than what we are.
Filipinos need to be guided for now. A strong hand , that is a true public servant , that will implement and reason with politics. But most politicians go into it very idealistic and end up like the old. It's like a movie, until the chosen one comes ... well... do we wait or start change now.