question lng...sorry if naa nani nga thread...cge kog search la man jud ko
pwede rba mogamit anang onion emoticons dri sa istorya? dli bah na ma.infraction?![]()
question lng...sorry if naa nani nga thread...cge kog search la man jud ko
pwede rba mogamit anang onion emoticons dri sa istorya? dli bah na ma.infraction?![]()
pwede ra basta dili lang ka makalapas sa rules.
Forum Rule #4
When posting or creating new topics, make sure that they are in the correct forum. Off topic posts are not allowed but not strictly prohibited. Should you have an urge to write an Off-topic post, precede it with an "OT:". Senseless and irrelevant posts are discouraged. If you don't have anything to say, don't post anything at all. This refers to "No Comment" or "Wala lang pahipi lang ko" type of posts. only 3 successive OT's are allowed. Smiley posts are discouraged and will be deleted on sight. Max of 3 smiley's with post. Use smileys as scarcely as you possibly can. Each serves a particularly specific purpose, but also can be a tad annoying if used in excess.
aw puEDE ra diay.
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