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  1. #21

    here we go again. psyche wer r u girl hehehehehe

  2. #22
    ggeeeezzzz........ grow up dude.........

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post
    the topic wasn't that out of this world. The biggest mistake she did was to make an indecent proposal to istoryans. That is strictly prohibited here. A ban or an infraction will have the same effect really, if the Mod gave you an infraction for sure you'll rant about it. So, it's better to ban you instantly for you to be able to read the rules again before you register. And to be fair to the moderator, forum rule number 17 states that, RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. To rephrase that - IT'S THE MODERATOR'S DISCRETION.
    wasnt that out of this world pero lagpason gihapon.. imposible man mahitabo gud.

  4. #24
    ana jud na day basta makasab-an, masuko jud ta, marijuana2x pman ka gud, mgtarong plang kag skwela or manarbaho nya tabang kas imo pamilya....hehe nangatarungan pajud..hehehe sori, just cant help but Lol! yaw nana usba ha...hehehehe

  5. #25
    Amahan ni Erlinda potterboy's Avatar
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    reading your thread, i'll ban you again if in case she'll lift it. Sitewide Forum Rules
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    The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.

  6. #26
    mao gyud.. keep yourself busy @TS.. get into sports og get a pet or get yourself a guitar.. ayaw anang ganja2x.. aw pwede nimo sagulan pero ayaw icareer.. hehehe

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by potterboy View Post
    reading your thread, i'll ban you again if in case she'll lift it.

  8. #28
    Banned Moderator psyche_08's Avatar
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    Phew! Here's the email trail. Enjoy!

    Quote Originally Posted by RotneM
    Quote Originally Posted by psyche_08
    Quote Originally Posted by RotneM
    why does it bore you psyche? arent we talking about health here? tsk tsk. arent supposed to be moderators be "moderators"? such an abuse of power... tsk tsk...

    i hear favoritism here?

    Topics that doesn't merit a discussion will be locked and deleted. I don't see any discussion going on in that thread.

    One other thing, why bid money to prove something? You were talking about health, weren't you? Oh no, it's not favoritism at all, give me enough grounds and I'll ban someone for you.
    doesnt merit a discussion?! what do you mean it doesnt merit a discussion? it was supposed to merit a discussion not until you locked it!

    The money was just something to instigate people to answer the forum and to research thoroughly. i offered, i did not bet. there is a big difference in that.

    and if you are formal enough you should have at least addressed it properly, not posted something like you are locking it because it bores you. it only showed one thing, you are insensitive, abusive and selfish.

    m o d e r a t o r, not executioner... ive been a mod myself on other forums but afaik we dont judge threads and decide to close it just because "we felt" that it doesnt merit a discussion... tsk tsk tsk
    iSTORYA.NET Forum Rules
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  9. #29
    Banned Moderator psyche_08's Avatar
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    For the record, he was never banned for the creating the thread. I simply locked the thread. Then comes the PM. *rant rant rant*

    I kinda like the executioner part though.
    iSTORYA.NET Forum Rules
    Do not argue with the enforcement of these Rules and Regulations. If you are requested to comply, comply. Persistent violations will result in a ban.

  10. #30
    tsk tsk tsk, Istorya is not like the "other" forum you are a mod of. Just because you are a mod on the "other" forum doesn't mean you can behave like one here.

    rule #1 palang gani ni violate na ka.

    1. Moderators are to be treated with utmost respect. If you have any issues with Moderators, course them thru the admins (BeoR / Galadriel/ Vern) of the site or thru GlassMoon / Seducer/ Bailey privately. Persistent violations will result in a ban.

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