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  1. #131


    of course tanan tawo no matter how religious or respected..are capable to commit sin..
    But.. tolerating them is a different story...

  2. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by deepscrew3791 View Post
    The hidden agenda of the RH Bill - SHOOTING STRAIGHT By Valeriano Avila | The Freeman >> The Freeman Sections >> Freeman Opinion

    read the article.. perhaps it will enlighten you why the government is pushing for this..

    to quote Mr. Avila:
    "Let me reiterate my views that there really is no need for Congress to pass a law on the RH bill simply because, anyone today can go to a store, even a sari-sari store to buy a condom and use it as he pleases, even if it is against Catholic doctrines. So again we ask, why is Congress hard-pressed in pushing for this bill? Well, the answer is simply, most laws that pass through Congress have monies attached to it. Since the RH bill needs funding from the government, this is one way that our Congressmen can get their hands into the nation’s coffers. Legally of course!

    it's all about the money people.. stop kidding yourselves.. call it what you will, it's just GREED! nothing more...
    sounds like another conspiracy theory by Mr. Botbot,, este Bobit Avila...

    Following Mr. Botbots logic... congressmen shouldnt be allowed to pass any other bill because it will just be another opportunity for them to get money.. why single out the RHB?

    Thats just messed up thinking from a twisted delusional mind... cant believe some people here are buying the crap he's selling. Mr. Botbot's gotten it wrong since election time pa.... resounding victory daw for Gibo sa Cebu... kato pa lang daan, he lost his credibility na.. pataka lang istorya tawhana.
    Last edited by vipvip68; 11-01-2010 at 12:20 AM.

  3. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    sounds like another conspiracy theory by Mr. Botbot,, este Bobit Avila...

    Following Mr. Botbots logic... congressmen shouldnt be allowed to pass any other bill because it will just be another opportunity for them to get money.. why single out the RHB?

    Thats just messed up thinking from a twisted delusional mind... cant believe some people here are buying the crap he's selling. Mr. Botbot's gotten it wrong since election time pa.... resounding victory daw for Gibo sa Cebu... kato pa lang daan, he lost his credibility na.. pataka lang istorya tawhana.
    bro, I don't take whatever he says hook, line & sinker.. you should take it with a grain of salt too.. biased naka niya daan that's why you won't read his columns from a neutral standpoint..

    I also question bobit avila's articles most of the times but regarding the RH bill.. it makes sense, why lobby for a bill when you don't really need to? sometimes I wonder if our congressmen/women really take time to think about the bills they propose or is it just a knee jerk reaction to anything or perhaps it is just about the money..??

  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by deepscrew3791 View Post
    bro, I don't take whatever he says hook, line & sinker.. you should take it with a grain of salt too.. biased naka niya daan that's why you won't read his columns from a neutral standpoint..

    I also question bobit avila's articles most of the times but regarding the RH bill.. it makes sense, why lobby for a bill when you don't really need to? sometimes I wonder if our congressmen/women really take time to think about the bills they propose or is it just a knee jerk reaction to anything or perhaps it is just about the money..??
    Excellent...I agree

  5. #135
    RHbill is of a great to our country if it can be passed into a law. surely will educate the populace, its a slow process but in the end the effect is worthwhile. and to those people who branded this as an abortion law, this is not intended to legalize abortion.

    there are some people lng jud na dli na agree sa imong point coz they already closed their minds to their stand. masked by their religious faith or watever. they draw their conclusion based on wat they believe or wat had brain-washed them and refuse to see another point.

    for me, wat stand has the catholic church has on this, are they helping the filipino feed their family? do they have better solution which can be applied and deemed effective? or they are just concern how to gain more supporter to expand their power..

    as for abortion, for me is not evil all the time, it depends how it is being used. like for example,

    "an innocent girl who had high hopes and dreams, do good and morally, a law abiding citizen will be married to a good husband to form a family. suddenly becomes a victim of unfair fate, she was rape and her future that awaits here is obscured. it is her own choice to allow that child to be born or abort it. abort the child to have a happy family with kids- wanted and properly planned pregnancy or let the child live and regret it for the rest of her life until to her deathbed."

    chrisitianity(more on RCC) doesnt teach this but philosophy does. moral ethics. she is responsible for her choice. how can u brand her a killer if all she want was a happy family. how can you accuse her a killer if she wants a child with a father rather than to raise a fatherless child bec. shes a victim of rape. you are just looking to the right of a child. how about the mother? its not always the right of the unborn child, it depends on the situation it is in.

    this is just similar to a born again pastor who build their church besides our house that said "those people that dont believe in jesus christ will be damned in hell"
    it sickens me to even remember it. how could he accused a non christian believers to such cruel fate when they dont believe in christ? surely hell would be so populated for almost half of the people on earth are not christians.
    -im sorry if this is so OT but i just want to reply from those previous post

    and lastly, i would like to disagree that wiki is a reliable source.
    it is editable. as what our professors said, its volatile. but i dnt say its not valid. some parts of it are not valid.

  6. #136
    I'm in for the RH Bill. I'm not saying it's because it can enable me to be promiscuous without worrying about the possible effects especially unwanted pregnancy. My point is that the masses can have a choice. Living in an area where I'm surrounded by squatters, they fall more and more into poverty because of their growing number of children. They don't know proper family planning and birth control methods.

    The RH Bill will help to further education about *** and family planning among the masses, because then it will become legal and mandated. As far as I know, teaching *** education is selective and, if a school does implement it, it's to a limited extent. Take those religious schools for example... and it's because the Church is not in favor of artificial contraceptives.

    I'd have to agree with the others that are pro-RH bill that the Church is just yet another of those activists. They keep on complaining according to their dogma and ideals but from a wide point of view, they're not doing anything to help. The Church especially in this case... they want to further natural birth control methods which IMO are simply risky when it comes to population control.

    The government is just trying to do its job, especially alleviating poverty. Come on, let's just give our leaders the benefit of the doubt. They can't do their jobs if population control is not exercised (sad but true) and I believe the artificial methods of birth control can help with that.

  7. #137
    nahh! RH bill is another money making scam.....dont get fooled by this politicians!

  8. #138
    ^^basin unsa mn cgro involve mn jd ang pagpangwarta...

  9. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by bungot25 View Post
    nahh! RH bill is another money making scam.....dont get fooled by this politicians!
    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    ^^basin unsa mn cgro involve mn jd ang pagpangwarta...
    my sentiments exactly..

  10. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by deepscrew3791 View Post
    bro, I don't take whatever he says hook, line & sinker.. you should take it with a grain of salt too.. biased naka niya daan that's why you won't read his columns from a neutral standpoint..

    I also question bobit avila's articles most of the times but regarding the RH bill.. it makes sense, why lobby for a bill when you don't really need to? sometimes I wonder if our congressmen/women really take time to think about the bills they propose or is it just a knee jerk reaction to anything or perhaps it is just about the money..??
    IF you read the article, Avila reduces the RHB issue to the use or availability of condoms.

    He argues... why pass the bill when you can just freely buy contraceptives over the counter...

    That totally misses the point of the bill as it is much much more than that.

    IT gives everyone equal access to contraceptives and instills reproductive health education to schools. Without the bill, this won't be possible.

    On that point, sayop na daan si Avila... there is actual need for this bill and dili lang ni "pangwarta" as most people here would like to call it.

    Kung pangwarta man gani gyud ang tuyo sa mga politicians,,, ngano i-single out man ang RHB? there are so many other opportunities to make money sa congress. Singling out the RHB as a way for them to make money is unfair. it has nothing to do with whether the bill should be passed or not.. and more to do with corruption within government. Following his point, we shouldnt pass any other bill for that matter since the congressmen will just make money from it? That's what makes his argument ridiculous.
    Last edited by vipvip68; 11-01-2010 at 08:49 AM.

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