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  1. #1

    Default Life Isn't Unfair?

    >>>>None of us have a "perfect" past. The fact is that we live in a sinful world. However, problems arise when we see life from an "UNFAIR" perspective. When we see ourselves as victims, we become caught in our circumstance whether it be a past or present experience. Our natural response to negative situations is anger. Of course, we have to direct anger toward someone or something. If we direct anger toward others, then offenses follow. If we direct it toward ourselves, then we enslave ourselves. Guilt often follows the anger. Then depression follows the guilt. We feel bad; therefore, we try to find things to compensate for the bad feelings. Addictions often arise at this point. Addictions are things in which we bury ourselves, often to cover negative feelings that arise out of thought of feeling that life is unfair. <<<

    what can you say....

  2. #2

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    well, that's the way it is! is there something u can do about it?

  3. #3

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    ^korek bro..i mean thats life..
    it is on how we handle things and how
    we interpret to make choices..

    "I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter." — Walt Disney (1901-1966)

  4. #4

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    life is never easy! We just have to deal with it..

  5. #5

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    "always look on the bright side of life." --- monty python

    "live your life while you have it; life is a splendid gift." --- florence nightingale

    "humankind has not woven the web of life. we are but one thread within it. whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. all things are bound together. all things connect."--- chief seattle

    "life is a challenge. . . meet it!
    life is a song . . . sing it!
    life is a dream . . . realize it!
    life is a game . . . play it!
    life is love . . . enjoy it!" --- bhagawan sri sathya sai baba

  6. #6

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    ga pangutana ka or ga sultian mi nimo? ..

    life is not unfair.

    gna balance lang nya tanan.

    kung makita nimo nga 70 na kaau imong knabuhi.

    pag piyong. ug imagina ang mga skwatters ug ang uban nga ga kaon nlng ug basura.

    dayon mata ballik! tan-awa kung unsay naa sa imoha!

    matod pa sa nike. "always look at the bright side of life" sak2 ba?

  7. #7

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    life shouldn't be judged like this - if it's fair or unfair..
    life is just a matter of choice.

    when i wake up in the morning, i have to choices:
    to be in a good mood or in a bad mood!
    i chose good mood.

    in everything we do, we do have choices. how you live your life is your choice! never say life is unfair coz even Jesus died for us to save our lives. we only have to make the best out of our lives.

  8. #8

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    life isn't fair or unfair..

    life is just a matter of to do...? or not to do...?
    life deals with a choice... so choose to be happy..
    coz u deserve to be...

  9. #9

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    ... and learn to count your blessings..

  10. #10

    Default Re: life isn't unfair????

    always trust God when thing go wrong. Life isn't unfair with God.

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