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  1. #111

    Quote Originally Posted by Xilcher View Post
    I'm not for Natural Methods only..
    I agree with condoms..vasectomy and pills(not the abortive type)
    But take note.. I'm against any contraceptive method that kills..
    hope its would be clear for you madam..

    My Stand is...ngano pugson man ang usa ka bill nga palpak
    If they can revise it and end up clean??
    simple instructions cannot understnd?hehhe

    Thats' why..It's clear that all those Bill supporters are Devil's Advocates
    including our Abnoynoy.. tsk tsk tsk..

    the last i check anti-rh bill thinks all pills are abortive type.. lol... there is nothing wrong with the bill... so we must have list of doctors and the type of family planning they are willing to talk to their patient...

    just like what kind of contraceptive pill do you think which is not abortive... lol...

    what we need is a list of doctors and their specialty and clinic address... a book type... which will be available in barangay health centers... should indicate really religous affiliation and the limit of their service... like in your case if you were a doctor... it should be written under DR. Xilcher: natural family planning and some artificial family planning limited to vasectomy, condoms and injectables.

    really devil's advocate? why i believe you are over stepping God's role of being the ultimate judge of all by just saying that... remember...

    “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:12).”

  2. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    the last i check anti-rh bill thinks all pills are abortive type.. lol... there is nothing wrong with the bill... so we must have list of doctors and the type of family planning they are willing to talk to their patient...
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post

    just like what kind of contraceptive pill do you think which is not abortive... lol...
    wow.. you are a woman and dont have idea or knowledge how pills work?

    1.) Hormonal contraception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "There are two main types of hormonal contraceptive formulations: combined methods which contain both an estrogen and a progestin, and progestogen-only methods which contain only progesterone or one of its synthetic analogues (progestins). Combined methods work by suppressing ovulation"

    2.) Emergency contraception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Abortive Contraceptive Pills example are "Morning After Pills"

    "scientists believe that some forms of EC(Emergency Contraceptives) may possibly act after fertilization , a possibility that leads them to consider such forms of EC to be abortifacients"

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    what we need is a list of doctors and their specialty and clinic address... a book type... which will be available in barangay health centers... should indicate really religous affiliation and the limit of their service... like in your case if you were a doctor... it should be written under DR. Xilcher: natural family planning and some artificial family planning limited to vasectomy, condoms and injectables.
    Your Suggestions..means that theres no need for RH Bill and legalizing Abortion..
    You can abort your next child to underground doctos who are currently doing it..
    But legalizing it is a different story.. you are teaching innocent teens to have s*e*x*..coz its SAFE..
    and killing babies who have no chance to oppose..

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post

    really devil's advocate? why i believe you are over stepping God's role of being the ultimate judge of all by just saying that... remember...

    “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:12).”
    "The Devil Comes Cloaked as an Angel of Light" ..

    Beware for those who use bible quotes in vain..
    Thou shall not use them in hate..
    Last edited by Xilcher; 10-29-2010 at 11:49 PM.

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilcher View Post
    Your Suggestions..means that theres no need for RH Bill and legalizing Abortion..
    You can abort your next child to underground doctos who are currently doing it..
    But legalizing it is a different story.. you are teaching innocent teens to have s*e*x*..coz its SAFE..
    and killing babies who have no chance to oppose..
    I don't think you understand the purpose and intent of the RHB and are hell bent on your pro-life anti-abortion stance.

    Bro, I'm also anti abortion... and yes... abortion for me is from the moment of conception.

    What I have a problem with is those who label the bill as pro-abortion because of the artificial contraceptives which can be abortifacients.

    I've said before that the bill needs to be ironed out pero I agree with the principle of the bill because Sec 3.M. states that nothing changes on the law on abortion.

    You are using abortifacient contraceptives as an excuse to reject the entire bill and in the process you are missing the entire purpose and intent of it. Instead of asking them to make the bill more specific or to revise it, dirtesto na ka against the bill whose purpose and intent is intrinsically for the benefit of our countrymen.

    Again, nobody is legalizing abortion here... misconception na' and it's misleading to say nga the bill is legalizing abortion. Also, you equate teaching reproductive health to teaching kids to have s3x. You don't understand that the education is structured based on their intellectual maturity.

    Also, reproductive health is just not about s3x per se. That would be something the church would say as they have basically no idea on raising a family and practicing responsible parenthood.

  4. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    I don't think you understand the purpose and intent of the RHB and are hell bent on your pro-life anti-abortion stance.

    Bro, I'm also anti abortion... and yes... abortion for me is from the moment of conception.

    What I have a problem with is those who label the bill as pro-abortion because of the artificial contraceptives which can be abortifacients.

    I've said before that the bill needs to be ironed out pero I agree with the principle of the bill because Sec 3.M. states that nothing changes on the law on abortion.

    You are using abortifacient contraceptives as an excuse to reject the entire bill and in the process you are missing the entire purpose and intent of it. Instead of asking them to make the bill more specific or to revise it, dirtesto na ka against the bill whose purpose and intent is intrinsically for the benefit of our countrymen.

    Again, nobody is legalizing abortion here... misconception na' and it's misleading to say nga the bill is legalizing abortion. Also, you equate teaching reproductive health to teaching kids to have s3x. You don't understand that the education is structured based on their intellectual maturity.

    Also, reproductive health is just not about s3x per se. That would be something the church would say as they have basically no idea on raising a family and practicing responsible parenthood.

    Bro point is simple...
    If Abortion is bad.. and part of the bill have "legalizing abortion"
    Then why not reject that bill and create or revise it?

    (Naay portion na legalize siya.. wala gi define ang contraceptive methods..bro..
    malalis na sa court..)sa gubot nato na justice system..lusot na!

    Why Why Why Why Why..??
    you wanna know why?

    coz gusto nila ilusot ang pag legalize sa abortion by cloaking it tru RH Bill..
    There no need for rocket scientist para pailad mo!

    you said it needs ironing..Right...Thats my point..
    then revise it!!!
    Last edited by Xilcher; 10-29-2010 at 11:47 PM.

  5. #115
    Pro RH here. But it really is hard to say when contraception is considered by some as abortion which is something I'm against. Ang hirap naman mag decide. Science or religion? Hay

  6. #116
    IUD[16] are abortifacient: they kill young human embryos, who as such are human beings equally worthy of respect,[17] making the bill unconstitutional.[18][19]

    sigurado sila ani?
    ang iud is a form of birth control nga naa device ibutang sa fallopian tube man tingali na para ma.prevent ang meeting sa sperm cell ug egg cell kay mao na ang makaform ug life. karon kung ang iud ibutang sa fallopian tube sa uteros para ig sulod sa sperm cell sa uteros sa babaye dili matagbo ang sperm cell since naa nakababag device sa fallopian tube unsaon man pagmeet sa egg cell ug sperm cell ana? kung wala sperm cell ug egg cell nga magmeet meaning wala life maform ana. asa man ang killing sa embryo ana ug ang abortion ana dapit?

  7. #117
    to those who hold contraception and abortion are valid and without any knowledge that it is mortal sin? are still no excuse and still commiting mortal sin even if he allows the Bill, he is still committing mortally.

    Mortal sin is a grave offense against GOD..and whoever rejects his laws are bound to eternal be aware you might lose your soul eternally(Forever DAMNED).....just want to let you know the consequences after you die.....and to those who dont believe there is a GOD? the punishment is still the same!

  8. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilcher View Post
    Bro point is simple...
    If Abortion is bad.. and part of the bill have "legalizing abortion"
    Then why not reject that bill and create or revise it?
    If you read the bill, it does not legalize abortion... I think ang imong point is... naa lay loophole in that some artificial contraceptives can be abortifacients.

    Akong point is more to revise the bill because its intentions are good. Pero you make it sound like the bills intentions are evil.

    (Naay portion na legalize siya.. wala gi define ang contraceptive methods..bro..
    malalis na sa court..)sa gubot nato na justice system..lusot na!

    Why Why Why Why Why..??
    you wanna know why?

    coz gusto nila ilusot ang pag legalize sa abortion by cloaking it tru RH Bill..
    There no need for rocket scientist para pailad mo!

    you said it needs ironing..Right...Thats my point..
    then revise it!!!
    I can contend nga conspiracy theory imong point because I do not see the bill as being anti-life or pro abortion.

    Akong point is... the bill only needs revision... it is intrinsically good and just needs to specify what kinds of artificial contraceptives are allowed that do not violate Sec. 3. m. of the bill.

    You mentioned regarding the courts.... the bill does not really have any enabling provisions to allow abortion. Even without the bill, wala may mausab as legalized ra man gihapon ang access to contraceptives. The only thing mausab is to give everyone equal access and an informed choice. It's up to the person to decide based on their moral convictions and religious affiliation.

    You have to understand nga our religious and moral convictions do not apply do all. If you look at other countries, some even legalize abortion in special cases

    Vatican City does not allow abortion period...
    Philippines only allows abortion to save the life of the mother
    Singapore allows abortion due to physical health, mental health.
    (rape victims, fetal defects and socio economic related abortion is allowed during the 1st and 2nd trimester..)

    The concept of the morality or lack thereof of abortion is relative from one country to another. It is also different across religions.

    So if you want to be strict about it.... you would be sinning in Vatican City's eyes if you aborted the baby to save the life of your wife.

    All I'm saying is that these rules on abortion are not universal... we cannot claim absolute moral correctness as the issue on abortion is relative per country and per religion.

    In the end... it is really a personal choice. If you personally think that any form of abortion violates your moral code then follow your conscience... but do not deprive others of their choices to decide for themselves because of their own moral code and conscience.

    If another person wants to follow the vatican city rules where abortion cannot be done at any circumstance.. then its that person right to follow his moral code.

    I personally believe some of the abortion laws are too biased towards the Catholic Church and that these laws lose their teeth as many Catholics are not anymore following the strict teachings of the church with regards to natural family planning....

    It's only a matter of time... when our country is more progressive, so will our laws..
    Last edited by vipvip68; 10-30-2010 at 10:31 AM.

  9. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by bungot25 View Post
    to those who hold contraception and abortion are valid and without any knowledge that it is mortal sin? are still no excuse and still commiting mortal sin even if he allows the Bill, he is still committing mortally.
    So kanang mga natives nga nag tu-o pa ug mga anitos unya they don't share the same concept of morality.... are they sinning as well?

    What about if my religion allows contraceptives and abortion in special cases different from the Catholic Church teachings... mag mortal sin sad ko bisag dili ko Catholic?

    Mortal sin is a grave offense against GOD..and whoever rejects his laws are bound to eternal be aware you might lose your soul eternally(Forever DAMNED).....just want to let you know the consequences after you die.....and to those who dont believe there is a GOD? the punishment is still the same!
    That's your faith.... and personal ra na' nimo nga beliefs...

    Sa singapore, allowed man ang Abortion sa 1st and 2nd trimester in cases of RAPE, Fetal Defects and Socio Economic Factors... allowed sad ang abortion if the mother has poor physical health or mental health.

    BY your reasoning... all these erring Singaporeans who abide by their abortion laws are going to hell right? even if dili sila Catholics?

  10. #120
    i do believe in God. But i think the government has also its obligation towards the growing population of our country.

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