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  1. #821

    Really? Really? this topic is for insulting Islam now? Really?
    let see, when the Spaniards came to colonize us, remember who tortured people? these were ordered by bishops, priest.. then after the Catholic reformation, the Catholic became better.....better at hiding SECRETS.. this topic should be deleted.. people here are just saying there opinions and are insulting other culture, they don't understand it.

    just because your not Islam, doesnt give you the right to insult us.
    this just proves you people dont even respect others.

    i respect Catholics, my mother is a Catholic. but from what i have read here. this is disappointing.

    you maybe just like insulting others, good for you..unlike iDEeN who has been tolerating you people -- keeping his calm, i will not. for you don't understand anything about Islam yet you treat all like criminals.should i hate all Christians because a few murders, robs & do other sins?if you think so, then this world is messed-up.

  2. #822
    @ majidemo

    is your biological Father is PATAN? just askin' ^^

  3. #823
    Salamun alaykum brother majidemo, be patient brother learn the wisdom of this thread. Just leave them whatever they wanted to malign and distort Islam. They don’t understand what they are doing, it only adds to their ignorance. They may not notice this, but this thread is a free publicity for Islam. Just like the blasphemous cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the much heated Qur’an burning in Florida, USA, but look the wisdom of Allah(swt) many more people came to Islam because they were encouraged to learn what really Islam is all about and how the Muslims view and think the world around him. In TRUTH they cannot destroy ISLAM but only people who claimed to be Muslims but not practicing Islam. ISLAM is like a GOLD the greatest heat they apply the MORE it will SHINE, Alhamdulillah! ALLAHU AKBAR!

    “Quite a number of the people of the Book wish they could turn you (people) back to infidelity after ye have believed from selfish envy after the truth hath become manifest unto them; but forgive and overlook till Allah accomplish His purpose; for Allah hath power over all things.” Qur’an 2:109

  4. #824
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by iDEeN View Post

    I thought you dislike extremists? why are you taking your stories from a website that carries the name of violence? the subtitle of the website says it all.
    i believe that the TRUTH will set you free. this post was an email sent to me by my brother just now who didn't know i am into this thread. a very big co-incidence if i may say so. i would like to believe that co-incidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous

  5. #825
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    Quote Originally Posted by iDEeN View Post

    should we call Hamas to defend themselves against your post?

    is hamas christian? i would just like to hear your thoughts about prepubescent brides and peaceful non-violent islam's much vaunted zeal to protect the innocent then tell me a little bit more about hypocrisy

  6. #826
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    Quote Originally Posted by iDEeN View Post
    don't worry, your question is not so hard to answer.

    but..there is a lapse in your question madmom. let me point it out. Your question already assumes that Mohammad(SAW) committed pedophilia, w/c is wrong. In their time and culture it was 100% LEGAL to marry young girls. Mary was young when she married Joseph. Byzantine nobles who are Christians had young brides, Jews took young girls too as their wife.
    when we talk of violence and protecting the innocent i think the issue is moral. not legal

  7. #827
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    Quote Originally Posted by majidemo View Post
    Really? Really? this topic is for insulting Islam now? Really?
    let see, when the Spaniards came to colonize us, remember who tortured people? these were ordered by bishops, priest.. then after the Catholic reformation, the Catholic became better.....better at hiding SECRETS.. this topic should be deleted.. people here are just saying there opinions and are insulting other culture, they don't understand it.

    just because your not Islam, doesnt give you the right to insult us.
    this just proves you people dont even respect others.

    i respect Catholics, my mother is a Catholic. but from what i have read here. this is disappointing.

    you maybe just like insulting others, good for you..unlike iDEeN who has been tolerating you people -- keeping his calm, i will not. for you don't understand anything about Islam yet you treat all like criminals.should i hate all Christians because a few murders, robs & do other sins?if you think so, then this world is messed-up.

    if you feel insulted from our post, it could also be because we are right and you are beginning to see islam in our light

  8. #828
    Quote Originally Posted by JcBoY View Post
    Salamun alaykum brother majidemo, be patient brother learn the wisdom of this thread. Just leave them whatever they wanted to malign and distort Islam. They don’t understand what they are doing, it only adds to their ignorance. They may not notice this, but this thread is a free publicity for Islam. Just like the blasphemous cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the much heated Qur’an burning in Florida, USA, but look the wisdom of Allah(swt) many more people came to Islam because they were encouraged to learn what really Islam is all about and how the Muslims view and think the world around him. In TRUTH they cannot destroy ISLAM but only people who claimed to be Muslims but not practicing Islam. ISLAM is like a GOLD the greatest heat they apply the MORE it will SHINE, Alhamdulillah! ALLAHU AKBAR!

    “Quite a number of the people of the Book wish they could turn you (people) back to infidelity after ye have believed from selfish envy after the truth hath become manifest unto them; but forgive and overlook till Allah accomplish His purpose; for Allah hath power over all things.” Qur’an 2:109
    Bro. nindot imo mga linya. Hinaut ma puy-an nimo imo mga pulong. katam-is kung tinuud nang imo gipanulti ug gi practice sa inyung kadaghanan.

    KINI nga WORD : SELFISH ENVY--> kahibaw man ta nga mao man jud ni nag hatag ug kagubot sa kalibutan.

    Islam is like a GOLD---> yes also for Christian teaching, GOD Almighty Father in heaven is more than a gold.

    WISDOM? ahhh, its big thing a big DEAL. you cannot aquire this matter without HUMILITY. which so many examples way to GOD. The life of many SAINTS which Jesus the Christ is the first example.. To give and offer yourself for the good of others.... The will of GOD the Father must be done even Christ must die for our SINS..

    But NOTE: Peter was oppose during the last supper, PETER dont want he's Master(Lord Jesus) to suffer, but what JESUS reply? ====> GO AWAY SATAN!!!!

    SO.. who these people dont believe the suffering of LORD JESUS CHRIST?

    1. After the Ressurection, The JEWISH People send emidiately false message to the people even pay money just to decieve people and feed their arrogance.

    2. Then for the Muslim People. another story, god send the Christ-like face just to save Lord Jesus from harm or from suferings, then Christ ascend to heaven.

    Last edited by baliguat; 10-26-2010 at 04:55 AM.

  9. #829
    Shhhessshh...When Will people Realize that no matter What religion you are in... Christian, Islam, Buddhist, Jew, Iglesia, Followers of Bart Simpson... IT CANNOT SAVE YOU!! ALL RELIGION EVER DO IS DISRUPT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, ALL RELIGION HAVE ITS FALLS, BLACK SHEEPS ( bad people) IF YOU MUST CALL THEM, talking about religion is as useless as preaching your religion to a Monkey... Love GOD, leave religion out of it. For me Religion is a bunch of dumb rituals that distract people from GODs true identity... and yes. im a christian.. i dont believe in religion, i believe in GOD.

  10. #830
    Quote Originally Posted by 2tdruid View Post
    This is a stupid answer

    Immorality justified because of legality is crazy.

    It is quite simple, an adult man that can have an erection in front of a 9 yr old girl has serious mental issues.
    since you touch on the subject of immorality, let me ask you a question, was it moral for Cain to have had sexual intercourse with his sister? was it moral for Abraham to have had *** with his half-sister? was it moral for the sons of Noah to have had sexual union with their sisters? was it moral for Joseph to be married to a 10-12 years old Mary?

    I don't know what Religion you belong to but is it moral to drink alcoholic beverages? as we all know that mainstream Religions disallow their members from drinking, do you drink?according to your own standard, is it moral for you to drink? which standard of morality should you follow? Yours or the bible? it's legal by the way to drink but the question is w/c moral standard should you follow?

    The point here is, culture and time had effects on how morality is shaped for a particular generation.

    those who had been to Arab countries they say that girls and boys in that regions are physiologically and physically different from what we are exposed to though not all. They look more attractive and developed physically than Asians. by the way age of puberty also varies.

    again w/ addition, it is 100% legal and Moral to marry young girls during that period. By the way today's legal age is 15.

    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    I don't have to prove it ..

    9 year old kid iDeen .. Just imagine the first time a 9 year old kid in an unfamiliar surrounding with a horny old man ... Caressing her from the cheek and all the way down , kissing her neck, to her underdeveloped breast, and spreading her legs and going in for the kill without the regard the girl is trembling and scared ... That's pedophilia, iDeen .. How dare you say it was "ok" back in the day because there was no rules against it .. LOOOOOOOOOL We all know Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder ...
    if you can't prove it then you have no case, it's all tsismis.

    well there are women who had underdeveloped breast hehe.

    you were there? how did you know that she was scared? you don't even know the whole story .

    you have a very creative mind. lol.

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