Hi good evening guys,
We are looking for people who can write well and who knows how to research. Great compensation with bonuses await.
1) Nurses, Medical People or Students who have the knack to write and blog stuffs in the internet
2) mass comm students or graduates or those who are taking english courses who love to write and blog in the internet
3) gamers who can write and blog, preferrably thouse who know hwo to play Starcraft, WOW, etcetera
4) But of course, even if you are not a med person or a masscomm or english major or an avid computer gamer, if you can write well, why not?
5) Of course, you should have interent connection at home and have ample time to write and blog
6) have paypal or gcash for payment processes
So basically pay rate is P120-225 per article that is 350 to 500 word articles or blogs. if you are really good, you can make atleast 5 articles or blogs a night, not bad huh for a parttime extra income job
Our clients are very generous and very impressed of Filipino bloggers and writers, we already have guys working for us but we are expanding so we need more so come on join us now!
email resume, sample of written articles, your blogs, blog urls to
This is great opportunity so grab it now
p.s. You need to be blogging and writing original and creative blogs though but do not worry, the internet is vast and so wide, you can always research
p.p.s. There are people who are already asking if what sort of topics are going to be blogged or written about... well online game topics, health topics, dating topics, diet topics, and many and many more