For those who are interested there's a regular Cashflow 101 game being held here in Cebu every week. This event was organized a few weeks ago and due to the high number of participants, it was decided that this would be a regular event.
The game is held at McDonald's IT Park, but if the venue is not available, the game is held at Hebrews at the ground floor level of Skyrise 3 in IT Park.
The game schedules are Friday@6:30pm and Saturday@4:00pm
Registration fee is 250 (food included).
This is not just a game but also a mini seminar. Join and have fun while learning about money and investments.
To your financial success,
P.S. For those who are unfamiliar with Cashflow 101 it is a game invented by Robert Kiyosaki author of the best selling book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" designed to educate people about money and investments.
P.S. Almost forgot since tomorrow is a holiday (June 30) a special game will be held at the 2nd floor Q.C. Pavillion, Gorordo beside Family's Choice restaurant at 9:00am (sori for the late notice). Just look for Lao.