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  1. #1

    Default Ban on motorcycles from tunnel mulled

    If Cebu City Councilor Roberto “Bob” Cabarrubias will have his way, pedestrians and motorcycles will not be allowed to use the newly opened tunnel under the Plaza Independencia.

    The tunnel connects the South Coastal Road to McArthur Boulevard, Cebu City and was opened to traffic early this month. As of now, the public works department bans heavy vehicles like cargo trucks from the tunnel.

    Cabarrubias said that he wants to prevent accidents involving persons riding motorcycles and pedestrians in the tunnel.

    Ban on motorcycles from tunnel mulled | The Freeman >> The Freeman Sections >> Cebu News

  2. #2
    this is a highspeed express way. lisod kaayo nang mga gagmay nga motor mag agi agi nya kusog ang flow sa traffic, naa jud ma disgrasya ani.

  3. #3
    agree to ban mc gyud, likay lng gyud daan before naa tragedy mahitabo

    ride safe.....

  4. #4
    mas maayo ni, kay naa gyuy uban nga driver ug motor nga hambug kaayo mu dribe... murag naka tag-iya ug karsada... di gyu mu sa kilid...

  5. #5
    yeah... this is somewhat considered a freeway! It's for the safety of the motorcycle riding public...

    Sir sakto jud ka... Ako sad auto, gibanggaan sad sa way disiplina nga motorcycle driver, nga mura naka tag-iya ug dalan nga mosira lang sa imo kon kanus-a ganahan... Nasangit sa ako fender and hit the ground pretty hard, hilak2x lagi sa kasakit sa pangus. And one thing, pag-abot didto police station, gahilak2x kay wa cya ikabayad sa damage. Good thing, naa koy amigo nga mopintal ug sakyanan, gipahangyo ra cya.

  6. #6
    daghan man gud motor rider wala ma disiplina diri sa ato.. labi na bago ag motor hala kadlit kadlit kay pagara

  7. #7
    C.I.A. bot_yok's Avatar
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    this is another Motorcycle discrimination issue... maayo man mu mga dude kay naka 4 wheels... ayaw tawn e generalize ang tanan naka motorcycle, daghan pud baya mga responsible rider... kana maka ingon tah nga gara na kadlit2x kay kung pa hinay pud ang mga naka motor perte ka kusog sa busina sa naka 4 wheels.. sa ako nasabtan ani ang tunnel d i gi himo ra para sa mga naka 4 wheels.. paeta
    ang issue ani butangan ug mga lights na hayag..

  8. #8
    plain and simple motorcycle discrimination.. the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) has more car accidents than motorcycle accidents, unsa pa kaha ni nga tunnel nga gamay in terms of ASEAN standards? think first before you discriminate because when the motorcycle community gets pissed off, it can be deadly to a public official's career (take note: notorious motorcycle hater Sec. Alberto Suansing of LTO and his brainchild AO-2008-15)

  9. #9
    idol jd nko si Roberto “Bob” Cabarrubias!!! wehoooo!!!

  10. #10
    di man cguro na kay abi man 4 wheels mi, maayo na... i know, some of the motor rider are responsible, pero naa man goy uban diha nga mag salig, kalit2x lng ug panira, abi man gamay cya, maka lusot dayun...

    And dont tell me wa gyud mu kabuhat ana bisan kausa? klasi2x lng gyud na akong ma bantayan taga adlaw about anang motor...

    wa man koy paki anang bahalag mu sirit mu dayun basta lng str8 inyu dagan... kana ra gyung manira ug kalit akong kalagutan... balhin2x lng ug lane murag iya tanan... di mu sa kilid daan, una ra mu kung ma businahan na... nya mag tutok2x pa raba...

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