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  1. #231

    Quote Originally Posted by high_heels View Post
    I pay my taxes and I know where my money goes, and unfortunately it goes to the very deep pockets of these officials...sad yet true!!! It's frustrating to know that this is happening and I just hope that there is someone who will cut this and do something about it... Kamo guys, whats your take on this I'd like to get everyone's thoughts and inputs...
    kahit san naman po dito sa pilipinas ganyan..

  2. #232
    i vote nato ang team mandaue para sa kalambuan

  3. #233
    kwarta dawata..kay gkan ra ghapon na sa a2 mga tax..

  4. #234
    Senior Member
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    sa TEAM MNDAUE tah,, d ta anang NM mao ra ghapon cge ra na cla kurakot....

  5. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    ^^huh? in what way niya gi angkon?

    daghan na iyang projects gi angkon uie!
    kanang road projects, sa DPWH mana. not hers. she barely offers her money to them.
    All she spent for was her face para angkonon na iya ng project.
    Pero, pag mga january this year, bag.o2 ra sya nag aspalto sa mga daan.
    kibaw na ka, politics.

    she's not right for our city or even for our country!
    i don't know why people fall for her antics. they just don't think right, diba?

  6. #236
    Quote Originally Posted by ngano-diay? View Post
    Dear lord, this year you took my favorite actor, patrick swayzie. You took my favorite actress, farah fawcett. You took my favorite singer, michael jackson. I just wanted to let you know, my favorite political group is nagkahiusang mandauehanon. Amen.
    brilliant! aylabet!

  7. #237
    ive been to my skul ds morning. .bt my 2 cute eyes was sudenly spoted da pictures of nerrymandering, .it was along a.s fortuna. .kana btw g.tawag ug ka gloria street. .i dnt knw if mao bana ang tawag dha bsta. .her picture was dr. .as in tarpauline jud xa. .kana btw nawng niya nga mkta nimo sa iyahang mga picture campaign. .shes wearing red wd a hand sign nga no. 1 daw. .maobana. .wd dat tarpauline. .ngclaim napud xa nga she was da one doing da drainage problem there. .haha. .ngkatawa lng jud ko kay may unta kng k2ng time nga g.buhat na niya nga project. .mao untay ebutang sa iyang nawng. .as in. .new jud xa tan.awon ug bg.o palang g.butang. Para btw she wants to tell da people nga 'hoy. .vote for me coz i was da one doing ur drainage problem here!!!?. .grabeha woe. .akoy g.lo.od ni nery. .well infact na shockd jud ko ky always jud bya ko mo.age sa a.s. .bt wala man koe nga ni work sa drainage. .i dnt tink so. .hahay. .grabeha jud ning nery woe. .

  8. #238
    . ,sos woe. .napa jud. .sa ka curious jud nko sa nawng ni nery. .ako g.2.2kan ang iyaha. .nawng. .kana btw bg.o lng nawng niya nga gpapilit. .hahay. .pg.totok nko. .sos woe. .pgkabaga sa eyeshadow. .maona!! Grabeh bayhana. .wala man lng xa kng unsay masulti sa mga taw niya. .sos woe. .kng ako lng. .i wnt to be simple. .wala bya ko ni.apil ug beauty pageant. .hehe. .

  9. #239
    Politicians shouldn't be claiming projects left and right because these are funds from the people and not from the politicians pocket...

    ...and to think that these politicians pocket peoples' money.

  10. #240
    stop corruption...let's vote for TEAM MANDAUE

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