To all Arnis enthusiasts from the different clubs and styles, a news from last Saturday, December 5, 2009 in Sports:
also check this link:
RP’s new national sport
Friday, December 4, 2009
By Marian C. Baring
THE indigenous sport that hardly gets participants will finally get its rightful recognition as it will be declared as the country’s national martial art and national sport.
The bill declaring arnis as the new national sport will lapse into a law by Dec. 18 if not vetoed by the president.
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The Philippine Sports Commission, the lead agency tasked to implement the act, will make sure this will push through.
“This is a homegrown sport and martial art. There is no excuse and reason why it should not become the country’s national sport,” said PSC executive director Fr. Vic Uy.
Arnis is well-known all over the world, but there are very few patrons on the local front. In the last international competition held in Cebu in 2008, the foreign fighters outnumbered the local bets and team USA took the overall title from the Filipinos.
“We always give emphasis on basketball, boxing and billiards. It is about time that we give importance to arnis. It is a sport that we can call our very own, that is rooted deep in our history, that our ancestors created, and we should be patronizing it and promoting it,” said Fr. Uy.
The bill says arnis is to become into a national sport because it is “the policy of the State to inculcate patriotism, nationalism and appreciation of the role of national heroes and symbols in the historical development of the country.”
The bill also commissioned the PSC to inscribe the arnis symbol—the fighting sticks—in its official seal and also, by next year’s Palarong Pambansa, arnis will be the very first event that will be played.
Aside from this, the PSC is also tasked to be the lead body that will promulgate the rules and regulations of the sport.
Fr. Uy said his main concern now is having different arnis groups that have different sets of rules and guidelines.
“The challenge is how to collaborate all these,” said Fr. Uy.