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  1. #181

    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    nope. in reality you are not solving a bigger puzzle coz if you were, you wouldn't be making such stunning conclusive statements about the Bible without REAL back up evidence. the burden of proof is on you to disprove your belief. until now, you and 99% of Christians cannot give validity to your beliefs. thus, it is as good as delusion.
    Sure I can, because there in no true scientific proof against the Bible. Sure wild Theories with no real tangible proof just assumptions and blind accusations, driven by Atheist like you with personal agendas grasping at any straw that makes you feel safe as you spit in God's eye. Your only agenda is to disprove God and the Bible. The personal crusade of a disgruntled choirboy, and anyone that dares disagrees with you is then stupid and subject to scorn, ridicule and googlely eyed smiley faces.

    i do not claim to know tons of information on history. however, i am willing to read and learn about history. even devoting a whole life studying history is not enough. just look at you---you also don't know squat yet. it's pretty evident.
    Than please read your history, because you have a lot of reading to do. Yes I have read history my whole life, it is a passion of mine. I still can not know everything, but I know a hell of a lot more than you. The squat I do know is a huge mountainous pile, more than your's.
    no worries---you didn't burst any little lie bubble. you keep arguing that America has been founded on core religious values but you deny the fact that our forefathers were secularists so you take secularism out of the equation and keep injecting RELIGION in America's foundation. you did not or cannot present any evidence of your argument, therefore it is not valid to say contradictory statements about America's history.

    Granted, God is not mentioned in the Constitution, but He is mentioned in every major document leading up to the final wording of the Constitution. For example, Connecticut is still known as the "Constitution State" because its colonial constitution was used as a model for the United States Constitution. Its first words were: "For as much as it has pleased the almighty God by the wise disposition of His Divine Providence…"

    Most of the fifty-five Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution were members of orthodox Christian churches and many were even evangelical Christians. The first official act in the First Continental Congress was to open in Christian prayer, which ended in these words: "...the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Savior. Amen". Sounds Christian to me.

    Ben Franklin, at the Constitutional Convention, said: "...God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?"

    John Adams stated so eloquently during this period of time that; "The general principles on which the fathers achieved Independence were ... the general principles of Christianity ... I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that the general principles of Christianity are as etemal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God."

    Later, John Quincy Adams answered the question as to why, next to Christmas, was the Fourth of July this most joyous and venerated day in the United States. He answered: "...Isit not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?" Sounds like the founding of a Christian nation to me.

    John Quincy Adams went on to say that the biggest victory won in the American Revolution was that Christian principles and civil government would be tied together In what he called an "indissoluble" bond. The Founding Fathers understood that religion was inextricably part of our nation and government. The practice of the Christian religion in our government was not only welcomed but encouraged.

    The intent of the First Amendment was well understood during the founding of our country. The First Amendment was not to keep religion out of government. It was to keep Government from establishing a 'National Denomination" (like the Church of England). As early as 1799 a court declared: "By our form of government the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on the same equal footing." Even in the letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Baptists of Danbury Connecticut (from which we derive the term "separation of Church and State") he made it quite clear that the wall of separation was to insure that Government would never interfere with religious activities because religious freedom came from God, not from Government.

    Even George Washington who certainly knew the intent of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, since he presided over their formation, said in his "Farewell Address": "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars." Sure doesn't sound like Washington was trying to separate religion and politics.

    John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and one of the three men most responsible for the writing of the Constitution declared: "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is their duty-as well as privilege and interest- of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." Still sounds like the Founding Fathers knew this was a Christian nation.

    This view, that we were a Christian nation, was hold for almost 150 years until the Everson v. Board of Education ruling in 1947. Before that momentous ruling, even the Supreme Court knew that we were a Christian nation. In 1892 the Court stated: "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people...This is a Christian nation." There it is again! From the Supreme Court of the United States. This court went on to cite 87 precedents (prior actions, words, and rulings) to conclude that this was a "Christian nation".

    In 1854, the House Judiciary Committee said: "in this age, there is no substitute for Christianity...That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.'
    It should be noted here that even as late as 1958 a dissenting judge warned in Baer v. Kolmorgen that if the court did not stop talking about the "separation of Church and State", people were going to start thinking it was part of the Constitution.

    It has been demonstrated in their own words: Ben Franklin, George Washington and John Adams, to the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court, how our founding fathers felt about the mix of politics and religion.

    When I read statements such as "What's God got to do with it?" and "The wall between state and church must not be breached" it just reaffirms how little, even intelligent people, understand about the founding of our great Republic. To say that this nation was not founded as a Christian nation or that the Constitution was not founded on Christian principles is totally at odds with the facts of history. So I guess I have all the evidence I need, and you choose to ignore.

    You offer a first draft Treaty that was expunged after 8 years, as your proof that the US was not founded on Christian values. No chief you want to ignore way too much

    Christianity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    do not ignore the significance of the Treaty of Tripoli. this Treaty was drafted in 1796 under George Washington and signed by John Adams in 1797.

    seriously, do you even know anything about this treaty. have you read it? i suggest you do, because it details what America IS NOT. your biased religious views make you anxious to push your own version of America's history. you keep telling me to know my history and i know little about it. well, everytime you tell me that, i'll pass it on to you. your turn.

    Yes I read it, I am well acquainted with the events that lead to the altercation that is the opening line to the Marine Corps Hymn.

    And this is your proof that America is not founded on Christianity of Christian values.
    Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

    Well here are some facts you chose to ignore:
    The treaty was written by a treaty negotiator named Joel Barlow, who had replaced Tobias Lear, former secretary of George Washington. And that Joel Barlow faced a dilemma. Muslims had been at war with the "Christian Nations" of Europe for over 1000 years, because the Qur'an commands.

    The point that the Treaty of Tripoli "remained on the books for eight years, at which time the treaty was renegotiated, and Article 11 was dropped."

    That famous phrase does not exist at all in the Arabic copy. There is no Article 11 in the Arabic copy. The Arabic text which is between Articles 10 and 12 is in form a letter, from the Dey of Algiers to the Pasha of Tripoli.

    Peter Earle's book, Corsairs of Malta and Barbary
    "Pirate ships and crews from the North African states of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers (the Barbary Coast) were the scourge of the Mediterranean. Capturing merchant ships and holding their crews for ransom provided the rulers of these nations with wealth and naval power. In fact, the Roman Catholic Religious Order of Mathurins had operated from France for centuries with the special mission of collecting and disbursing funds for the relief and ransom of prisoners of Mediterranean pirates."

    "Since the sixteenth century, corsairs from the Muslim states of North Africa had controlled the Mediterranean sea lanes by force. At the time the United States won its independence, the states of the Barbary Coast--Tripoli, Algiers, Morocco, and Tunis--had been preying on the world's merchant ships for three hundred years. The Barbary pirates' methods were fairly simple: cruising the Mediterranean in small, fast ships, they boarded merchant ships, overwhelmed the crew, and took them captive. The crews were held in captivity until their home countries agreed to pay ransoms for their release. If no ransom was forthcoming, the crews were sold into slavery. Over time, most countries found it expedient simply to pay a yearly tribute to the sultans, thereby buying their ships free passage through the Mediterranean."

    Earle adds that the defining factor for the Muslim corsairs in attacking a ship was "that they worshiped a different God." They were specifically after Christian shipping. To them, this was a "holy war" as much as the Crusades were". Keep this in mind when you consider that wording, these Pirates were milking over 1 million dollars a year out of a new beginning country.
    In his "Essays Dealing with the Russo-Turkish War and on Greece" (NY: The American Annual Register for 1827-28-29, 1830), John Quincy Adams wrote:

    "The victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace...
    "The faithful follower of the Prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat, but the command to propagate the Muslim creed by the sword is always obligatory when it can be made effective...
    "The commands of the Prophet may be performed alike, by fraud or by force."

    John Quincy Adams continued:
    "Of Mahometan good faith, we have had memorable examples ourselves.
    "When our gallant Commodore Stephen Decatur had chastised the pirate of Algiers, till he was ready to renounce his claim of tribute from the United States, he signed a treaty to that effect:
    "but the treaty was drawn up in the Arabic language, as well as in our own; and our negotiators, unacquainted with the language of the Qur'an, signed the copies of the treaty in both languages, not imagining that there was any difference between them.
    "Within a year the Dey (Moroccan leader "Omar Bashaw") demands, under penalty of the renewal of the war, an indemnity in money for the frigate taken by Stephen Decatur;
    "Our Consul demands the foundation of this pretension; and the Arabic copy of the treaty, signed by himself is produced, with an article stipulating the indemnity, foisted into it, in direct opposition to the treaty as it had been concluded."

    Imagine that, Muslims wrote the Treaty in Arabic in direct opposition to the Treaty in English.

    John Quincy Adams further explained:
    "The arrival of Commodore Isaac Chauncey, with a squadron before Algiers, silenced the fraudulent claim of the Dey, and he signed a new treaty in which it was abandoned; but he disdained to conceal his intentions;
    "My power, said he, has been wrested from my hands; draw ye the treaty at your pleasure, and I will sign it; but beware of the moment, when I shall recover my power, for with that moment, your treaty shall be waste paper."

    John Quincy Adams concluded:
    "Such is the spirit which governs the hearts of men to whom treachery and violence are taught as principles of religion."

    Interpret from that what you wish, but you are wrong, you may not wish to admit it and just provide more baseless comments, demands for more proof, and stupid smiley faces. But you are still wrong. It is not your fault, you are just the product of the new educational system which has been debased by a Socialist Liberal Left agendas and Atheist influences trying to rewrite the history of the United States, and a failing society. It is all in preparation for the New World Order and is written in scripture. It is tearing the United States apart from the inside, it is just too bad most Americans can not pull their heads out of their asses to see it. No wonder most Americans just have Rectum optics.

    I will give you this, you are right Americans have become stupid. Not for their belief in God, but for standing by and letting those that do not love God and Country slowly destroy America. It will not be standing tall much longer, then everyone will realize they have been doupted. Things lost rarely return, what a shame.

    But a silly question what the hell does any of this have to do with Noah's Flood, boy did we jack this man's topic or what? Sorry

  2. #182

    i agree that we indeed are going way off-topic. the thread is about the Great Flood yet we're talking about America. it would take several pages of discussion just talking about America's history. as part of my rebuttal to your argument that America is founded as a Christian nation, i suggest you read "The Godless Constitution" by Isaac Kramnick. i have this book and i've read it twice. it was a nice discussion with you.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post

    i agree that we indeed are going way off-topic. the thread is about the Great Flood yet we're talking about America. it would take several pages of discussion just talking about America's history. as part of my rebuttal to your argument that America is founded as a Christian nation, i suggest you read "The Godless Constitution" by Isaac Kramnick. i have this book and i've read it twice. it was a nice discussion with you.
    They are founded by MASONS... u know what masons believe in? gods... its not really into christianity... but moral laws are parallel with it. (too many to mention...)

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Stalin was an Atheist leader, closed all churches, then killed 60 Million Russian citizens. Very Moral
    Mao was an Atheist leader, closed all churches, then killed 70 Million Chinese. Very Moral
    like those guys really killed those people in the name of NO GOD/atheism. nice try james.

  5. #185
    I never stated that America was a "Born Again" country. I did state that it was a Country that believed in God and Christ. Which is a fact.

    You need to check again.
    Religions in America
    Christianity: (78.4%)
    Protestantism: (51.3%)
    Roman Catholicism: (23.9%) (true immigration for Mexico has greatly increased the Catholic membership)
    Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    the irony there james, is that among those that fall under the christian god umbrella...those guys cant even agree on each other. a disorganized bunch of organized religon, mafia warz.

    That is a good question why does the Philippines suffer from mismanagement, corruption, high unemployment, deteriorating infrastructure. Is it Morality, cultural, inherent DNA, being punished by God, or some other reason? the country is 92% Christians.

    That is the question I see Filipinos seem to want to avoid and I do not understand how you choose to just ignore the subject as if that actually helps, instead of tackling the problem head-on and confronting it..

    The religious percentage of Christians is actually higher in the Philippines, but the way the culture believes that Christianity does have differences.
    Christian: 92.5%Roman Catholic: 80.9%
    not realy jame, the point was...believing or having a god belief has little or no bearing at all regarding ECONOMIC stature. the economy doesnt run on miracle beads, miracle soap, and other religious paraphernalia james.
    No other country religious structure is like that of the United Sates, or country was founded around religious freedoms. Sorry if you choose to disbelieve are can not believe, or do not understand the role of religion in the American culture. What you choose to believe does not change the truth and the facts. Your statement show how little you understand American society and the structures and beliefs systems of American churches.
    the god warrior ring any bells? doooork sided, not christians!! lolz
    how about that douche who claims those who dont believe in god are terrorists...
    religious freedoms you say?? the fact that alot of their respective flocks are becoming IRRELIGIOUS theists not necessarily atheists to be exact...made them jump on the offensive, or as what fundies keep reiterating to put on thy armor of god.lolz

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by munzter666 View Post
    like those guys really killed those people in the name of NO GOD/atheism. nice try james.
    The discussion was not about killing people in God's name. It was about atheist who did Godless things and thought they were moral men. The discussion was which measurement do you judge Morality. I know that Atheist are quick to comment on the evil men who did evil acts in the name of religions, then act as if atheist can not themselves commit evil acts. Lenin, Stalin, and Mao where atheist governing in countries where they were implementing atheist societies. You can act as if it did not happen and you can divert or change the subject, but the history still stands.

    We base Moral codes on rules of Governments, Societies, and Gods. Few men are actually Moral, all men have bent or ignored those laws at some time in their life. Few men will self-reflect honestly to see themselves for what they truly are. Any man struggles to be moral if he has a social conscious. Most countries are influenced by religions. Yet men can not follow the 10 laws of the Commandments. If man could follow those basic 10 principles there would be no crime, prisons, or wars. If man can not live in peace with religions, you really believe man will be at peace without religions. Sorry nice try, but file that fantasy story under Fictions.

  7. #187
    Quote Originally Posted by munzter666 View Post

    the irony there james, is that among those that fall under the christian god umbrella...those guys cant even agree on each other. a disorganized bunch of organized religon, mafia warz.
    The product of Greed, Power Lust, and the evils within man. Those evils would still be evil even without religions.

    not realy jame, the point was...believing or having a god belief has little or no bearing at all regarding ECONOMIC stature. the economy doesnt run on miracle beads, miracle soap, and other religious paraphernalia james.
    Long term economies run on ethics, strong rule of law, and free enterprising spirit. I would rather do business in a strong religion based country, most will have good ethics and fair judiciary. Some countries there is no religion that can remove their inherent evil.

    the god warrior ring any bells? doooork sided, not christians!! lolz
    how about that douche who claims those who dont believe in god are terrorists...
    religious freedoms you say?? the fact that alot of their respective flocks are becoming IRRELIGIOUS theists not necessarily atheists to be exact...made them jump on the offensive, or as what fundies keep reiterating to put on thy armor of god.lolz
    Read the New Testament and it will answer why that is happening, how much worse it will be, and who is pulling the strings. If you are not against, than you are actually for. An Armor of God is too heavy for most men, because most are too weak under it's weight. Blessed are those that bear it. Free will sucks because it makes you choose, for there is no ring in our noses to be led around like sheep. Most men are sheep because they choose to be sheep.
    2,000 years ago it was written that man will be misled and turn their backs to God, that a world government will be placed over the nations of the world. And it tells what will happen if you do not accept the new religion that will be imposed on man. What side are you standing on? It is your choice, as it will be for everyone. Pick wisely.

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    The discussion was not about killing people in God's name. It was about atheist who did Godless things and thought they were moral men. The discussion was which measurement do you judge Morality. I know that Atheist are quick to comment on the evil men who did evil acts in the name of religions, then act as if atheist can not themselves commit evil acts. Lenin, Stalin, and Mao where atheist governing in countries where they were implementing atheist societies. You can act as if it did not happen and you can divert or change the subject, but the history still stands.

    We base Moral codes on rules of Governments, Societies, and Gods. Few men are actually Moral, all men have bent or ignored those laws at some time in their life. Few men will self-reflect honestly to see themselves for what they truly are. Any man struggles to be moral if he has a social conscious. Most countries are influenced by religions. Yet men can not follow the 10 laws of the Commandments. If man could follow those basic 10 principles there would be no crime, prisons, or wars. If man can not live in peace with religions, you really believe man will be at peace without religions. Sorry nice try, but file that fantasy story under Fictions.
    lets face it james, both camps(theist&atheist) got their own share of nut jobs and a-holes. no contest.

    the only difference here is those atheist nut jobs hold FULL accountability for such behavior no matter how selfish it may be.

    unlike their theistic counter parts who cowardly pins it down to his/her/their respective god. "it wasnt me, god wills it" mumbo jumbo we hear over and over from past WARS to recent serial killings.

    10 commandments meant squat to moses and his ilk too y'know. killing everybody who doesnt accept their god...what kind of MORALITY is that james?

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by munzter666 View Post
    lets face it james, both camps(theist&atheist) got their own share of nut jobs and a-holes. no contest.

    the only difference here is those atheist nut jobs hold FULL accountability for such behavior no matter how selfish it may be.

    unlike their theistic counter parts who cowardly pins it down to his/her/their respective god. "it wasnt me, god wills it" mumbo jumbo we hear over and over from past WARS to recent serial killings.

    10 commandments meant squat to moses and his ilk too y'know. killing everybody who doesnt accept their god...what kind of MORALITY is that james?
    That world the Israelite were living in and dealing with is almost impossible for us to comprehend. The tribes that had to be removed so they could exist in that land, have so little information known about them. We really have little information outside the four pages of scripture. God's will is even harder to comprehend. Accountability is not for man, and judging God is not for man. We have too little information at our disposal to even make true educated guesses but accurate judgment is impossible. The religion of the Hebrew was not scribed until the Hebrew were delivered from 350 years of brutal slavery. They were following the presence of God who was leading them through hostile lands with war like tribes. God chose the acts to be done and the Hebrews followed his will. We live in God's creation and are bound by his laws, which is beyond our understanding. I am not going to try to blame and judge God or the Hebrews.

    The evil acts of man are man's doing. Religion is letters scribed on pages, and what men read from them. Ideas from a page that men are willing to follow. There are other books written by man that also stires man to do acts of evil that are not religious in nature. Man's minds and hearts are weak and fleeting. Murders have claim to hear God's voice from their dog. Men of religion have gone to prison for their crimes, and those that did not will not be able to avoid the Final Judgment. All will come out in the end. All of man will be judged and their hearts weighed and rewards and punishments delivered. Religion is not an excuse for evil men's actions.

    In the flood story. Noah's neighbors laughed we he said he was building a boat. Nobody had even seen rain for a 100 years. They did not have all the facts. Just uneducated bias comments. That is one of the more important lessons of the story. The wise people chose to ignore because they were so enlightened, not knowing their enlightened world was so evil and corrupt that is was going to be destroyed forever. What if some had tried to help, were willing to change, to get beyond their false pride? Would God had made room for them on the boat? Here we could be again, history repeating. How much time is on the clock this time. Tick, tick, tick.

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