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Da Vinci Code was the first Dan Brown book i've ever read..I first heard of it from a friend who suggested me to read it..my curiousity got the better of me and viola! a very good friend gave me a PDF file of the whole book..i'd read it in the office and sometimes at home..The book (purely fiction) gave shocking revelations on Christ, Leonardo da Vinci, Opus Dei, Mary Magdalene, etc..Nevertheless, whatever i've read never affected my faith and belief on my religion...BUT if ever the things mentioned in the book were true especially about Magdalene's relationship with Jesus, it's really not so much of a big deal to me..He is man (a son of God), has feelings like us and capable of loving someone...it will still not affect my faith in Him..

If you believed that Jesus was indeed married...and to Magdalene, perhaps you should question your bible....and, should question the people behind it and try to protect its so-called authenticity. You could start by questioning who wrote the bible? is it really the word of God? Is it all true? is it accurate? if you will ask me...the answer is NO. I was born from a very devout Catholic family...but since i started my secondary education, i got interested in history. Digging deeper in the history of the church made me realized that the very religion that i am in is basically nothing more but a business. Dont get me wrong, I do believe in God, but not the way the Roman Catholic church wants me to believe. The Da Vinci Code is pure fiction but its plot rotates in an old thoery of Jesus, not actually a god, but a mere person like us. the only difference between me and Jesus is he is a royalty. Born of noble blood. The tag "Jesus: King of the Jews" is actually accurate. But he is nothing more than that. He is indeed a King coz he descended from the blood line of King David and King Solomon. The Bible itself said so. I am just wondering why the church insists that Mary Magdalene is a prostitute when there is no line in the bible that says she is? and why would the church wants us to believe that Barabas is a thief when the bible itself didnt say so? perhaps you would like to research on the name of Barabas itself. It came from an aramic word which actually means "son of the rabbi". The bible was never specific why Barrabas was imprisoned except for the line that he was in a roit in the market place. And do u think that people could be stupid of choosing to let go of a so-called thief instead of somebody who just preach? And do u know that the book of Mark never mentioned anything about ressurection and Jesus meeting with the disciples after the crucifixion? it was only in the eleven hundreds that the church added it up. but since the bible was compiled until more than a thousand years after Jesus' death, there was no mention of the "greatest" miracle of ressurection.