Originally Posted by
depends on my weight... During "Off season" mode, bodyweight around 185-190lbs... i bench around 185lbs, 3-4 reps (without spotter)
... i'm not a bench presser... i focus more on building my chest since its one of my weak points...
deadlift - around 330+lbs... 1 rep max
Squats - 315lbs... 1RM
weight computed with Standard Olympic Bar (45lbs)...
right now, i'm on a diet (bodyweight around 150lbs, using double beam thing).. i lift heavy (for me) but not as heavy when i'm @ "off-season" mode.. hehe... pang summer lang ni hehehe....
Well, I could chime in my stats as well then I guess
This off-season:
Deadlifts: 400lbs 5reps
Squats: 250lbs 20reps ("ass-to-grass")
I don't bench for chest, but do close-grip bench press for my triceps: 220lbs 5reps
You cannot forget the number one movement for the upperbody, the so called "upper-body squat" - DIPS for chest:
bodyweight + 100lbs strapped on for 5 reps