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  1. #421

    Are your a math major brod?

    Those being corrupt are less than 0.000001% of the country bec the rest of the people are NOT in a position or job that can access corruption. You understand?

    Your logic is very funny, evne when faced with numbers.

    Your own numbers cannot stand reality.

    Your other arguments suffer the same fate. Sayang.

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    Ang sitwasyon sa pagpataka ug labay sa basura bro, mao nay 99% disciplined nimu?
    Ang magpataka ug tabok sa karsada, pataka ug sakay hunong sa mga dili jeepney stop, mao nay 99% discipline nimu?
    Ug kana mga kurakot sa atu gobyerno, kana mga daghan kaayung mangngilad sa atu palibot, mao nay 99% honest nimu?

    Dili natu ibaliwala ug unsa kadako ang Factor nga gi contribute sa batasan sa katawhan sa kalambuan sa isa ka nasud.
    Huna huna-a ang katawhan ang pinaka dako nga factor sa isa ka nasud, imagine 80 million+ tawn tah.
    If dili na natu makita na nga factor, di jud tah mu uswag ani...

  2. #422
    you have not been to other countries or to many countries. The world bank will not just say we are literate if we are NOT literate.

    The quality is there. Not all are summa cum laude . but look at ALL OUR NATIONAL newspapers they are in English. That alone says we are generally literate using a language not our own.

    Your statment therefore that we dont have quality (in general) is not credible bec you are not an expert witness.

    Quote Originally Posted by rickflag View Post
    agree but do we have quality education here? guess not. our grade school pupils are lagging behind in math and science compared to our advanced neighboring countries like japan or singapore or maybe my standards are just too high. how many among our english graduates can speak and write fluent english? i know some teachers here who don't know correct grammar and spelling.

  3. #423
    Idolize product means not patriotic? that is half-baked. All goods in singapore are imported, all goods in HK are imported, maybe 75% of US products made in China. Using ur logic, this means Americans are not patriotic?

    Let the market decide on economic issues, and the the citizen decide on political issues.

    Dont confuse terms and use them loosely from one context to another. It should so naive.

    Quote Originally Posted by istoryansucks View Post
    we idolize the product of they other country. is what you call 99% influence man gani na atong mga youth sa mga american trend nga realistic brad....

  4. #424
    parts you are out of touch with reality and statistics.,

    The people with TV and the people carrying cellphones are less than say 5% of the population.

    The exact figure is not in issue. It is the trend, the scale that is important.

    NOw, I ask you, what have yhou done to improve this country? Will you method save us in 5 years or 2015, or 2020?

    Somebody is fighting for your right as a college graduate to a salary of P70T and you disagree even if you have not read nor understood the theory.

    Are you now defending the businessmen? Who are you to defend them?

    If you dont understand economics, or havent given it a serious thought, then stop disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing..

    Somebody has identified a way to brings us out. Help him succeed.

    Help. bec we will all benefit including your child.

    Or maybe nursing imong anak unya. para go to hyperwage USA.

    patay. hyperwage diay padulong sa US lang.

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    Are you in a coma or sumthing? unsa gud tawn 99% are not spending unncessary...
    Wala ka naka observe unsa ka obsessed ang pinoy mupalit ug mga BRANDED nga mga butang bisag mag lisod ug palit?
    Tan awa sa mga mall unsa ka kusog ang halin sa mga cellphones, laptop, mp3 playes, cameras ug uban pa gadgets.

    Mupalit ug cellphone tag 30K nya an sweldo tag 10K ra an bulan...
    mupalit ug Ipod nga tag 15K nya 10k ray sweldo...
    mupalit ug branded nga butang nga di kaayu kinahanglan sa presyo nga kapilahun ug pilo ang iya sweldo...

    mao nay 99% are not spending unncessary nimu?

  5. #425
    Mr Al1974,

    Those people arguing againt us and hyperwage have not read the book, they disable their logical mechanism, and make illogical statements against it

    For example, about the price and inflation. obviously that person did not read the book and does not understand the concept of NON-LINEAR mathematical relationships.

    They are under the wrong concept that if the wages are increased from
    P2T to times ten resulting in P20T

    and that correspondingly the laptop that is now P20T will increase ten times to P200T!

    What? A P200T laptop?

    They have this wrong concept and I dont know how these people passed high school.

    There is NO LINEAR relationship between wages and cost! What you read in textbooks is linear because it is made easier for students But That is NOt the real relationship in actual.

    In real life the relationship is NON LINEAR. I suppose the book says its just a model of linear relationship.

    Please guys be careful about quoting from textbook who used linear example bec the ordinary student does not know how to solve equations using non linear equations.

    Repeat after me, non-linear
    Repeat after me, non-linear
    Repeat after me, non-linear
    Repeat after me, non-linear
    Repeat after me, non-linear
    Repeat after me, non-linear

    Quote Originally Posted by al1974 View Post
    yes higher prices but as pointed out in the Hyperwage book- it will increase but only to certain levels that employees earning hyperwage salaries can also afford. Currently- we are already paying for a lot of imported items at hyperwage prices with our third world salary. If we implement hyperwage salaries, it will increase but it will not of course go beyond leaps and bounce compared to the hyperwage prices of other countries.

    Farming bro, or an agricultural economy can not fully sustain a nation. it should be a mixture. But come to think of it- Singapore do not have natural resource but it is a very rich country. Hongkong which imports water from China is also a very rich country without natural resources.

    If you are interested, I can send you thru email the copy of Hyperwage Theory. It is a very good reading material. Afterwhich, you will fully understand why I advocate it.

  6. #426
    The officials are corrupt bec the justice officials do not prosecrute them
    like Erap not serving a day in jail.

    But this has nothing to do with the food on the table. Direclty, the reason is that you only get P125 a day (below min.) while the sustaince level is P700!!

    Quote Originally Posted by JJstyles View Post
    I dont now if naa mo agree but only an opinion .. . Ako mas maayo pa epa colonized ta ug balik sa America.. look at Hongkong or other countries colonized by America ur Britain. and also.. dba daghan na ug corrrupt karn gkan sa barangay up to the highest post.. so parehas r pd ni cya ug blay nga if daghan na ug mga guba ur anay mas maayo pa nga guba-on ang blay den tukuran ug bag-o. so with the governmnt we need to change everything because dli man sd ta pwde ug pinpoint knsa nla corrupt and dont be deceive by there looks kay bsn corrpt pd na cla so may pa general cleaning gd sa buhaton sa government.. jst an opinion

  7. #427
    can't we just imagine and work hard for a post-scarcity world?

  8. #428
    Quote Originally Posted by foolonthehill View Post
    Idolize product means not patriotic? that is half-baked. All goods in singapore are imported, all goods in HK are imported, maybe 75% of US products made in China. Using ur logic, this means Americans are not patriotic?

    Let the market decide on economic issues, and the the citizen decide on political issues.

    Dont confuse terms and use them loosely from one context to another. It should so naive.
    brad relax lang ...brad ayaw problemaha ako post ang imung post problemaha...kay mag problema lang ka da-an kung imu na g replyan ako post...

  9. #429
    There is absolutely no way to stop poverty in the Philippines!

  10. #430
    Quote Originally Posted by hardlock View Post
    There is absolutely no way to stop poverty in the Philippines!
    sakto ka brad....naka inum ka sakto brad...bitaw lack of discipline man gud ang pinoy then ambisyoso sad....dli kunuhay mo palit ug butang sa pinas ...gusto gud katong na sa american made....unsa on lang pag stop sa poverty

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