I dont know about traveling to the past, but i was thinking it is possible to "see" the past (given certain technological advancement). Lets say you want to see the earth 100 years ago, you'll just have to be in a spot in space where the light from a hundred years ago hasnt arrived yet (that would be 100 light years away-because light takes a hundred years to reach that point) and you'll need an instrument that is so sensitive that it can wash out the sun's light and what remains is that of earth. and you'll need an instrument to magnify those light so that you can actually see the person on its surface.. you want to see 2000 years ago? just "teleport" at a spot 2000 light years from earth and position your "super instrument" to capture the light and see the past.
If wormholes did exist, and granted that optics of the future is impeccably perfect, then this is an entirely plausible idea. It actually fascinates me.
However, there is no evidence that states that travelling through a wormhole could be "instantaneous"...if it is still bound by the speed of light limit, then the idea would crumble.
possible since there are no proofs to reject or assert it, - cant prove a negative.
Thought-experiment: time travel is problematic, when we return back to time, are we really going back to time or are we merely traveling to an opposite mirror reality(universe) that we might perceived as the past? Is time travel or the return back to time, realistic (objectively existing) or are they merely the play of the mind, in the extreme of science in both ends, we see that the subject is capable to distorting the object-end.
Doc emmett brown. *bow
Hehehe for me if we limit our imagination of course impossible pero common sense lang pud we know its impossible! but heres the correct question, what if you will given chance to go for time travel? all I wanna do if I could be given chance I will correct all my mistakes in life.
its actually posible. if you can find a way to bend space. so far the only thing thing close that could be bent is light by black holes.
yah.. sakto jud..black hole ray paagi para maka time travel...
kinsa na diri naka suway ug sulod sa black hole, insert this smily![]()
everything that is not forbidden is compulsory.
there is no law in physics that prevents one from travelling back in time. [for now]
in other words time travel is possible.
if it is, then why havent we been visited by tourists from the future.? this is the Fermi paradox.
maybe, as Dr. Michio Kaku [physicist] would answer, time travellers are invisible. by then, they have mastered invisibility.
there are many kinds of time machine:
1. rip van winkle Time Machine [TM] - where one just sleeps and when one wakes up he is already in the future.
2. Gott TM. colliding cosmic strings.
3. black holes as TM. where gravity slows down time. [twins paradox uses acceleration to slow down time - time dilation effect]. theyre similar cuz of equivalence principle.
4. Van Stockum TM - Infinitely long spinning cylindrical tube.
5. Godel TM - where one needs a rotating universe to travel back in time. is the universe rotating? Einstein didnt think so. Kerr black holes maybe the solution to this problem.
6. Alice in wonderland TM. technically called Einstein-Rosen Bridge. AKA wormholes. "bridges or tunnels" that connect either space or time.
The best possible candidate out of the mentioned is the wormhole. this is depicted in the movie contact.
theoretically, one picks a naturally occuring wormhole from the spacetime foam [fuzzy chaotic subatomic level spacetime] blows it up and stabilizes it using exotic energy or negative energy.
so where do we find negative energy? we wouldnt find it anywhere in the universe. but surprisingly, there is an experiment which produces negative energy. this is called the Casimir Effect. but only tiny amounts of negative energy is produced.
even though time machines are theoretically possible we need to be a Type III civilization to build one. Type III civilizations can manipulate energy comparable to that of a galaxy. we are only Type 0 where we harness the power of dead plants. Type I harness the power of a planet. Type II - stars.
if we can build a time machine and travel back to the past, paradoxes arise. this is where most people think time travel to the past is impossible because things get crazy. But believe it or not there are solutions to the so called Paradoxes. Paradoxes are for the feeble minded.
1. Grandfather paradox. if you kill your grandfather before you were born would you cease to exist?
2. Information Paradox. If a time traveller goes back in time and gives the blueprint of the time machine to his younger self. then who built the time machine? because when he gets old he builds the time machine and share it to his younger self.
3. Bilkers paradox. changing a fixed future.
4. Sexual Paradox. where you marry your younger self who had a transplant and bears a child which is just yourself. [this paradox is genetically impossible.]
source:Parallel Worlds by M Kaku.
there is a solution to the Grandfather Paradox. this is called the consistent History approach.
simply, if you go back in time and shoot yourself instead. you will miss your target [which is yourself] and hit your arm which causes you to lose your aim which is why you hit your arm instead of killing yourself. the past is consistent with the future and the future consistent with the past.
another is the Many Worlds or Parallel worlds solution. where one travelled back to an identical past killed an identical grandfather. where ones grandfather is safe in another universe. Many Worlds Hypothesis is the brainchild of Hugh Everett as a solution ot the Copenhagen interpretation. His idea is now popular because it resolves paradoxes in backward time travel.
and the last which you wont find in any books is when the laws of physics conspire to prevent the time traveller from changing the past. like when you shoot your grandfather your gun just wouldnt work. or "magic" resolves the paradox.
most books say that you cant go back to the time before the time machine was built but i think if you have a wormhole you can travel back to any time and any place youd like to except the big bang.
im a believer of time travel and maybe one day one gets a visitor from a future relative.
As Michio Kaku would put it "If one day you have a visitor who claims to be from the future. Dont slam the door!! he might be one of your great great great great great great grandson."
di lagi ni posible.. if unsa pa mu kapaspas mu lakaw, sakay, kabayo, lupad, magkamang, that's it.. paspas ra mu mubyahe.. time travel is time travel literally.. (ang byahe 62C bacayan to ramos would take approx.40-45mins. if taxi / private car approx. 30mins. if lakawon approx 2hours - depende sa traffic and driver)
paspas ra mu ning byahe from one point to another.. but not something like going back and forth of time..
(para nko, ang mga nituo sa "time travel" in their perspective kay murag plotted na ang ila life.. meaning nka drawing na.. gi fast forward/rewind lang para "time travel" kuno )
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