every relationships has its end
because of relationships, i learned how to love![]()
as the lines of these song goes..
too much for something is bad enough..
too much love will kill you..
lessons in relation ship... give respect to your partner and to yourself also... give your trust but dont give all.. don't be honest all the time coz sometimes being too honest causes trouble heheh..
because of love... i learned how to share my feelings which is LOVE..
if masakpan naay kabuang ilimod.. if di madala og limod e-angin ang uban tao if dili madala pag angin, idoot imong gi-angin na tao hahah..
best learned in relationship...
pwd ni relationship sa igsoon,higala ug uyab..
it is always two way.. give and take kung baga!
dili ng give ra ka ug give den ang usa kay take ra sad ug take..
Leave something for urself...even only respect...
dont gve ol ur love,pagbilin pd sa imo self..hehehe
xpect d unxpected
hmm unsa man ha..
trust but be vigilant![]()
Yaw i hurot pag bilin para sa imo![]()
Good things will last..![]()
Don't stop loving even if you'd been hurt so many times and so badly
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