ambot. mao ra gyud ni akong akong foundational thesis.
man thinks linearly.
assuming everyone believes in a God in whatever form or fashion, and everyone who believes in their God assumes that their God is Omniscient, they must also believe that their God is does not think linearly. therefore, the reason, the cause, the meaning of God's creation which is the essence of anything cannot be linear. thus, man can never understand creation if man continues to think linearly. imagine and visualize everything happening at the same time in your head. the past. the future and everything happening right now. the emotion. the rational. the beauty and horror. and understand it from a state of no time. other than that, man will only be telling lies. half truths. incomplete.
(*note: the essence of anything and everything is meaning. the why of its existence.)
religion is like profanity. for every idea we cannot express in normal vocabulary, we say either profanity or we call it religion. haha.