Originally Posted by
If you are a newbie and would hope to learn or get some experience, then you should take this offer. It is not about getting a free meal or spending out some extra bucks. It is all about learning, getting some experience and hopefully getting some referrals.
I shot my very first wedding with no cost at all to the couple, just a free meal. I even spent around $200 for the wedding.. but the greatest things they gave in return.. was they were so happy with the photos... and gave me 4 weddings by referrals.. all couples took my basic wedding package + wedding proof DVD (no albums.. just proofs) valued at $3000.
Joe Buissink, one of the best wedding photographer in the world started the same way I did and so as every known wedding photographers here in the US.
And you don't choose whom to shoot.
Ian, good input. But in this case, they already have a photographer (which maybe someone they don't trust?). Different story. And pranix even asked for a PORTFOLIO from the possible volunteers. Free, with photographer's expenses, portfolio, someone who they don't know and most of all... wait til you get chosen... Only the best will survive? Its like American Idol without Ryan Seacrest, 3 famous judges and worldwide exposure... oh without TV too.
Pranix, my suggestion. Get a photographer friend/relative instead. Maybe a boyfriend of your cousin or something. If you think you are helping newbie photographers for their portfolio... why not help your cousin/friend instead?
As agoroy stated, this is not a win-win situation. Referral? hehehe... hehehe... hehehe... Have a nice day everybody!