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Our Roman Catholic friends here insists on the Authority of the Church, claiming "there is no salvation outside the Church". However, even those who are "inside" cannot be exactly assured of that salvation. What is it then for us?
Without the Church, there would be no Bible.
Realize that it is the Church who first made provision to collect all writings that had been read in the different churches around the known world where Christians lived. It is she who formally defined the canon of that collection of books we now call the Bible. It is she who 'sent out' missionaries to evangelize the whole world. It is she who kept the Bible from being lost by commissioning her monks of different religious orders to provide for the copying of the Holy Books. Bible-alone cannot be the rule of faith for Christians simply because there never was a Bible for a very long time (say three centuries?). For most of our history after the birth of Christ, most of the population of the world are illiterate - unable to read and/or write. It is only through the mouth of those who has been sent were they able to know and hear the Word of God.
If salvation then comes through Christ alone and Christ identifies Himself with the Church (which is the Body of Christ), then salvation comes through the Church alone for it was the Church who was commissioned to make disciples of all nations and had kept on sending missionaries from the beginning of Christianity until the end of the world.