Originally Posted by
Quote from: Von!-x on Today at 02:27:55 PM
Do you think the apostles died without being exactly sure of salvation?
The apostles have given their lives to a friend. I believe that they themselves exercise the sacrament of reconciliation among themselves (just as bishops in the Catholic Church confess their sins to other priests). I believe that they have died in the grace of Christ - the friend to whom they have given their lives. There is no greater gift than that.
Is that it? Dying simply for a friend? You know full well that it means Jesus' death that is the ultimate sacrifice, not just the death of anybody. I take your reply as saying "the apostles died not knowing exactly about their salvation".

Originally Posted by
Quote from: Von!-x on Today at 02:27:55 PM
Do you think popes, priests, saints, died without exactly being sure of where they are going to spend eternity?
Indeed, that is why we have the sacrament of reconciliation and extreme unction to prepare us and make us more receptive to the grace of God when we are in danger of dying. It is through the grace of God that all of us will be saved.
I am sorry for them. Those who died accidently may be in danger of failing to obtain the sacraments, thereby, missing heaven.

Originally Posted by
Quote from: Von!-x on Today at 02:27:55 PM
Do you think that all your knowledge about the catholic church and its doctrines will merit you a place in heaven?
No and it never crossed my mind. My reward will be great, though, if I speak for Christ and His Body the Church and if I can bring anyone back to the true fold of the Body of Christ.
Quote from: Von!-x on Today at 02:27:55 PM
Are we certain that the saints whom catholics prayed for intercession are now in heaven? You may dismiss these questions, but it cannot change the assurance real believers have in Jesus Christ.
Yes, we are certain. Why? Because the Church had examined their lives and found it worthy of emulation. The Church then declares them saints which she has the power to do. Pardon me, bro, but you may believe in Christ but you don't obey Him by going against the Church He has founded.
How sure are you of your reward bro when you are not even sure of your salvation? Where are you going to claim it? somewhere in purgatory, waiting for prayers from living relatives? Maybe the saints are there too! Now you said with certainty that the saints are now in heaven because of some church declaration, that is why you ask for their intercession. Di ba you and houndedbyheaven said that you and even the apostles, and all the saints are not sure of their salvation?
Seriously, bro, John 3:16 is very plain and simple. Salvation is a free gift. Protestants did not interpret it. The meaning is very clear from the beginning.