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So you are really serious about this independence eh.Â* Tell me, where will you get your army?Â* Where will you get your taxes?Â* Where is your infrastructure?Â* You dont even have a primitive subway or railroad? Most of all, where will you get your resources to feed your people?
Your leaders are not even united because they too have their own selfish agenda. I dont think you can do it.Â* Not even in my wildest dreams.Â*
To imperial Manila:
Where's our MRT?
Where are our modern expressways?
Obviously you don't have any idea how much revenues Cebu and Davao for that matter, are remitting to the Central Offices, not just BIR & Customs and what do we get back for development? A mere fraction of it because the politicians there are squandering the money from Visayas and Mindanao.Â* Investing in Cebu is much, much better than in Metro Manila.Â* Cebu can stand on it's own, in terms of EVERYTHING you mentioned. WHY, you ask? STUDY!Â*
On the Bagyo Ruping aftermath, Cebu rehabilitated itself with the help of American and Australian volunteers through the dynamism of our local leaders.Â* Where was the national government at that time?Â*
Just to inform you:
We have our own Cardinal.Â* We have our own chamber.Â* We are a tourist spot.Â* We have export zones, IT & business parks. We have a rich culture all our own and talented artists. We have the greatest political and business minds of the country.Â* Where do you think are the roots of those big tycoons in Manila started? We have "more" educated and more skilled production workers. We have big and better exports in terms of furniture anf fashion accessories among other exportable products. We are near everything. We have a little of everything. We have international ports.Â* All we lack is a free-port but AFAIK something is in the pipeline. We have steady sources of electricity and water. We have better seas.
i suggest you dream again...
For whatever reason the Ad Congress keeps coming back to Cebu are basically more or less the same reasons why Cebu can stand independently. Just like Hong Kong, Malaysia, & Singapore.