its a choice to take that chance...
by chance ang pg-meet but choice na nimo f u want to b wd the person......
choice man mostly, so choice nlng pud akoa! haha
<nakisabay ra sa flow> LOL
once in a blue moon, u have a chance to make a choice (when u meet ur ideal sum1. deal or no deal?)
most of the time u have the choice to create that chance (look around and pick the arang-arang and panguyaban or sugton)
kalibog, wa na ko kasabot sa akong gisuwat.
Ako kasabot ko tagatisa... and I agree.
Chance gyud nga mag-abot ang duha ka souls (this goes to meeting somebody unintentionally, nag-abot lang gyud mo... place and time)
Pwede pud ta mo-open ug chance... aw kamo diay. Kamo man gyuy mangita and moduol (at least most of it) so kamo maoy moabli sa chance.
its by choice.. bsan naa pamu dako nga chance but if walay action.. walay kwenta ang chance... hehehe
i love to be given a choice... if i fail, then giving me chance would be better.
i wanna choose.. i wanna have the chance to choose.. hehehe
it's a choice.
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