Originally Posted by
necrotic freak
diem wants to close this thread, it simply because he's scared that he might know the real brutal truth of Islam.. naa ta raba cya plano mag muslim..
[color=navy]@necrotic freak, please do not make any statements about me based on your assumptions~ You do not know me and this statement of yours is false.
This can be considered as a character attack.

Originally Posted by
necrotic freak
the crusades.. well, christians kill in the name of God at that time its because christians had the right to defend their territory from the invading enemies which is the moslems..
Where do you get your information? Cite your sources, and let's see if these are reliable.
I suggest that you should study world history before you post such comments out of such ignorance, because it is dangerous. Ignorance leads to indifference, indifference leads to conflict.
And the Internet can help you remove such ignorance if you're too busy or too lazy to read actual books. Here are some excerpts on the article about the Crusades from the Wikipedia~
The Crusades were a series of military conflicts of a religious character waged by much of Christian Europe during 1095–1291, most of which were sanctioned by the Pope in the name of Christendom.
The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the sacred "Holy Land" from Muslim rule and were originally launched in response to a call from the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk Turks into Anatolia.
Jerusalem falls to the Sassanids
The Byzantines lost control of Jerusalem and the True Cross in 614 to Khosrau II, ruler of the Zoroastrian Persian Empire.
The Byzantine emperor Heraclius imbued the subsequent struggle between the Empires with religious overtones, aiming to recapture both Jerusalem and the True Cross(he was successful on both counts). The Byzantines called themselves "soldiers of the cross".
Middle Eastern situation
The Muslim presence in the Holy Land began with the initial Arab conquest of Palestine in the 7th century.
This did not interfere much with pilgrimage to Christian holy sites or the security of monasteries and Christian communities in the Holy Land, and western Europeans were less concerned with the loss of far-away Jerusalem than, in the ensuing decades and centuries, the invasions by Muslims and other hostile non-Christians, such as the Vikings, heathen Slavs and Magyars. However, the Muslim armies' successes put increasing pressure on the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire.
Another factor that contributed to the change in Western attitudes towards the East came in the year 1009, when the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ordered the Church of the Holy Sepulchre destroyed.
In 1039 his successor permitted the Byzantine Empire to rebuild it. Pilgrimages were allowed to the Holy Lands before and after the Sepulchre was rebuilt, but for a time pilgrims were captured and some of the clergy were killed.
The Muslim conquerors eventually realized that the wealth of Jerusalem came from the pilgrims; with this realization the persecution of pilgrims stopped. However, the damage was already done, and the violence of the Seljuk Turks became part of the concern that spread the passion for the Crusades.
Online Article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades
[color=navy] Can everyone understand that? The initial Muslim occupation of Jerusalem wasn't about religion, it was about territory. The Muslims allowed Christian pilgrimages into Jerusalem and even granted them peaceful passage safe from persecution because they realized that Muslims and Christians share the same reverence for the city of Jerusalem.
Alas, some pilgrims were attacked by desert marauders, criminals also in the eyes of Islam and this was used by Heraclius, The Archbishop of Jerusalem, who imbued the Arab conquest of Palestine with religious overtones. He was the one who made it appear to be a HOLY WAR because he wanted to get the support of the armies of the Christian Kingdoms of Europe and reclaim Jerusalem.
Instead for clamoring for peace and fraternity with our Muslim brethren who revere the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and the special relationship Jesus has with God/Allah, the Archbishop of Jerusalem sparked a war.
All I am trying to say that it is IGNORANCE AND INDIFFERENCE ON BOTH SIDES that sparked this great conflict that has its repercussions still present until now.
If we are to avoid such terrible events to happen again, I implore everyone to please try to know and understand before condemning! Open your hearts and minds to knowledge and understanding, with it comes empathy and with that, there is no need for conflict.