naa mani laing meaning ang nota ts
Here in Canada, we do have the same as this ...
It's a sign of protest meaning you don't want to vote for a candidate or political party. Instead of not voting, you're making your vote count by refusing your ballot and not voting to any candidate.Declined ballot
53. An elector who has received a ballot and returns it to the deputy returning officer declining to vote, forfeits the right to vote and the deputy returning officer shall immediately write the word “declined” upon the back of the ballot and preserve it to be returned to the returning officer and shall cause an entry to be made in the poll record that the elector declined to vote. R.S.O. 1990, c. E.6, s. 53.
SOURCE: Election Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.6
abi nako pang MD ni nadiscussion da
nice siguro if naay option para down vote. if wala kay mapili kay mudownvote nalang sa wa nauyonan na kandidato. pina PBB ba![]()
kung ang botante, walay nauyunan sa mga candidates, why would he go to the precinct and vote for "nota"?
naa bay public pulse survey ang comelec? ( coz that's the only reason why I find "nota" option useful )
just saying...
para nako boss dili man ni cya none sense ang NOTA. I think NOTA is good. But not excellent.that means if you want to choose then choose the candidates you like or if you don't want to choose then don't choose just simply select the NOTA(kaysa wala kay gipili mura rakag wala ni vote! kung limpyo ang imong balota mas dakung porohan maniubrahon). Some people not participating in election, because the candidates are not eligible. how can we express our dislike?
ikaw boss mamotaray man gyud ka ganahan d i ka nga dili ka maka express sa imong gibati nga wala ka maka-angay sa mga candidates? moangay d i ka nga mo vote lang pero imong balota mas henlo pa kaysa bond papers?
wala baka maka huna2x nga nag human og vote nimo nga "matay noh hinlo man akung balota unya sa machine raba gyud ni e paslak naay purohan jud ba nga maniubrahon." It gives a strong right to a voter to perfectly take part in election rather I will say completely take part in the election and by that way there is a very good possibility to make the election again and also our society will get an effective leader.
sa akong pgkahibaw ang NOTA mao mna permi isulti sa mga bayot kauban naku sa work sa una. aw mao diay meaning ana TS. learned from you today TS dah.
hala pwd ka magNOTA TS..
So ang purpose sa NOTA para lang maka express nga wala ka ganahi sa mga kandidato nga botaran. Simple, dili ka mobotar. Mao ra gyud na imong buhaton. Maghuwat nasad ka sa mga sumusunod nga election hangtod nga mo kandidato imong ganahan. Or kung specific ra ang wala nimo maganahi, imo ra sya i skip, dili ka mo shade. Ingon ana sad akong gibuhat. Ug regarding anang limpyo na balota, ma naay shade or wala basta computerized pwede kaayo maniubrahon basta naay will nga manikas. Nagtoo ka nga walay hocus pocus ang PCOS?
there should also be 1 choice:
3: I'm too stupid to choose number 3.
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