Well people are beginning to think that the US makes all this up in order to keep their MIC(military industrial complex) in business. They really don't have any clear enemies or competitors which they haven't antagonized. It's all about US foreign policy, the parties whether it be republican or democrat don't make any difference.
Students and scholars of foreign policy and international politics and economics know what it's all about. Anyway look for any online copy of the books below. The author is a respected member of the US elite, he is known to formulate one of the long term strategies for US foreign policy.
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives: Zbigniew Brzezinski: 9780465027262: Amazon.com: Books
Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power: Zbigniew Brzezinski: 9780465029549: Amazon.com: Books
Of course, their rivals or those they have forced into submission can only wait. There's no point fighting, all this abuse by the US is just going to come back at them at some point in the future. Unfortunately it won't be that dramatic as the system the world runs on today relies on what the US along with the allies built right after WWII.