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  1. #1

    Default Syrian girl stoned to death for joining Facebook

    While you were busy liking someone's post or uploading that cute photograph of your puppy, a young Syrian girl was reportedly being stoned to death in Syria.

    Her crime? She had opened a Facebook account.
    The incident took place in the Syrian city of Rakka. The girl, Fatoum Al-Jassem, was sentenced to death by stoning by Al-Reqqa religious court after ISIL militants took her to the court.
    The court ruled that having a Facebook account was tantamount to adultery and thus sentenced her to death.
    The court also described the opening of her Facebook account as an act of great wickedness that merited severe punishment.

    Source: Syrian girl stoned to death for joining Facebook : Mad Mad World, News - India Today

  2. #2
    so sad.. nothing new in those parts of this complicated world.. may her soul rest in peace.

  3. #3
    grabeh jud ning mga lugara...

  4. #4
    A religious court handed down the sentence. This is what happens when mumbo jumbo gets to rule over science and evidence-based reason. People should question the dogmas that they'd imbibed on their mother's knees as children. These are things written by Bronze-age desert wanderers who know next to nothing compared to us.

    They all say God is un-knowable, and then they turn around and say that God hates pork, the sight of women's hair, condoms/contraceptives, rock music, doubt and critical thinking, secularism, and...of course, FACEBOOK.

  5. #5
    you people and your religion/culture...and question about a non-believer's morality...reality-check please...

  6. #6
    More senseless killing from those who claim to represent the religion of peace.

  7. #7
    grabe nuh...kalooy sa girl.

  8. #8
    Allah should come back to Earth and revise his teachings,
    I think he would never resent that social site called facebook.
    But do not post on your wall any derogatory remarks against their faith,
    they will blow you out into kingdom come.

  9. #9
    C.I.A. lstorya's Avatar
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    Nothing new in those parts of the world, much worse happens in a daily basis. Im pretty much sure this will add to one of the reasons why US is having itchy trigger fingers toward Syria, why look for weapons of mass destruction as a reason to invade, hating Facebook is reason enough. "This country hates Facebook? Lets gun them mo***********s down!!!".

  10. #10
    Hmmm tinood ba pod kaha ni? If tinood man gani, may her soul RIP.

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