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Confessions of the Other Woman (Part 4)
"Daddy, can you tell me another story before I sleep?" A sleepy Andrea tried to cover a yawn.
It was hard to say no to those cute little eyes, but he answered gently, ""What is the magic word, sleepyhead?"
"Please Daddy?" Andrea pleaded with the sweetest smile, and it was a done deal.
"Okay. There was a young girl whose parents didn't have a lot of money. This, however, did not make the girl angry or sad. She was always happy no matter what the food on the table was. One day, the little girl was walking on the street, hoping to find some bottles or cans that she can sell in order to help her mother. She thought finding a few coins on the street would even be better!" Dave paused and glanced at Andrea only to find out that his little girl had already fallen asleep.
Dave smiled gently, welcoming the warmth that he always felt whenever he looked at his daughter. His daughter. She is the most important thing in his life, and her happiness means more to him than his own. This is the essence of fatherhood. When you become a father, the source of your happiness becomes centered into your children. Weekly night out with friends had become a thing in the past, except for meaningful celebrations.
Dave kissed Andrea goodnight and went out of her room. Jane was still in the bathroom, brushing her teeth probably. Dave quickly changed into his pajamas and climbed to his side of the bed. He picked up the book he had been reading, and noticed his phone.
He can't help but sigh deeply. He closed his eyes in an effort to brush away the image of Casey from his mind. But he guess he was in too deep already to be able to forget the way she would laugh at his silly jokes. Or the way her hair feels while she lay on his shoulders. For the life of him, he cannot forget the way Casey smiles sadly whenever he had to leave.
"It has been eight years, Dave. When will I be good enough for you?" It was then that he realized that Jane was standing by the bed, looking at him. He must have spaced out while thinking about Casey. Well, this was not the first time.
Dave cannot utter a single word in reply to what his wife had just said. He can only stare at Jane, his mind telling him to do the right thing, while his heart was beating for another woman.
"I-I'm sorry Jane. I was just thinking about the business meeting I'd need to postpone in order to be at Andrea's contest," he was babbling and he knew it. "I thought I can just send Eric instead of having to reschedule it."
Jane sat down on the bed, crying silently. "All these years, I had tried my best. But I can never compete with her! It was always her, right Dave? It has always been Casey."
Dave wanted to shout, Yes, It has always been Casey. No matter how I try to forget, no matter how hard I try to teach my heart to beat for you, I just can't!. But he can't do that to Jane. She had been nothing but the perfect wife, the perfect mother to Andrea. This was too cruel.
Dave went to Jane and embraced her tightly, forcing himself to be the perfect husband as well. "Hush now darling..." He brushed away the tears that were still falling from her eyes. "I got distracted, but I swear Casey belongs to the past. You and Andrea are my everything now"
They remained that way for a long time, Jane sobbing into Dave's shoulders, and Dave massaging her back. Just the way a husband and wife should be - soothing each other, drawing strength from each other..
"I love you Dave. I love you so much."
With a lump in his throat, Dave answered, "I love you too Jane." And just like that, Dave cannot hold back any longer. Tears fell down from his eyes. For the first time in a very long time, Dave was crying because while he was saying those words to Jane, he was picturing Casey. And that was just too messed up.