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  1. #441

    padre damaso versus indio ....... hehehe

  2. #442
    I fack your god in the ass palma! Fack you and your stupid cohort priests! I despise people like you!

  3. #443
    Elite Member noy.juan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mlhl@7 View Post
    oaquin G. Bernas, SJ, he is a priest
    To be specific a Jesuit Priest, Bernas is a Lawyer by profession, a dean of a Law School, afaik he is against what the CBCP had acted towards RH Bill and he even emphasized to seperate the afairs of the chruch and state

  4. #444
    Elite Member noy.juan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seven_segment View Post
    you are not answering my question...

    thanks anyway...
    i already said to you my answer... discussion with narrow minded people is neverending... its like talking to a 3rd year old child who wont accept that santa claus and power ranger is not real.... there is wrong sa iya gisulti.. period and you just defend it...

  5. #445
    unsay update ani dri??

  6. #446
    Quote Originally Posted by noy.juan View Post
    i already said to you my answer... discussion with narrow minded people is neverending... its like talking to a 3rd year old child who wont accept that santa claus and power ranger is not real.... there is wrong sa iya gisulti.. period and you just defend it...

    ok, call me narrow minded...for whatever reason...

    what more can I do...

    but as for me, I find no problem with what the bishop said...

    what he said is some kinda optional...

  7. #447
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by tingkagol
    Sorry, but that didn't make any sense.

    Then you proceed to say this:

    ...when you say these anyway:

    Anyway, going back to your first statement:

    Herein lies the ultimate problem with evangelists. They claim to know what is "good" for the rest of the population (a mix of people with different belief systems, mind you) - so much that they want nothing less than the legislation of their own beliefs and teachings, and the junking of proposed bills that go in contrary with their beliefs.

    Why not let other people be? All anyone really wants (including you) is to have the freedom to choose how to live their own lives. It's all there is to it --- choice, choice, choice.

    That's a lie. Stop spreading it.
    That's alright bro. Now I can truly discern why Filipinos are suffering based on what I've read on this thread among other ones whom I've abandoned long time ago. And it's not because of poverty or misinformation or a huge population.

    "What we fear the most isn't death because death only touches our existence. It is defeat that we are horrified of because we are all defeated. The fruits of the tree are long gone. We are now eating the leaves."
    Nice quote. ^_^

    Completely unrelated to the discussion however. I take this little "refusal of defeat" segue to be your refusal to partake in the robust, oftentimes heated discussion? Don't let it discourage you, by the way.

    If anything, conflict is the harbinger of change. Harmony only strengthens the status quo.
    (And with a country like ours, damn the status quo.)

  8. #448
    Quote Originally Posted by seven_segment View Post
    but as for me, I find no problem with what the bishop said...
    Quote Originally Posted by oisilener1982 View Post
    In reference to the RH Law, Palma said that even if President Benigno Aquino III passed the law, couples should not be afraid if they want more children.
    if ang family income = 20k pesos / month
    mother + father + 1 child = 20,000 / 3 (person)= 6,666.67 person/person/month= 222.22 pesos/ person/day
    mother + father + 2 child = 20,000 / 4 (person)= 5,000 person/person/month= 166.67 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 3 child = 20,000 / 5 (person)= 4,000 person/person/month = 133.33 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 4 child = 20,000 / 6 (person)= 3333.33 person/person/ month = 111.11 pesos/person/day
    Quote Originally Posted by seven_segment View Post
    so dili nalang ka mupalit ug gatas, muadto sadoktor, mupatubil sa sakyanan, mugamit sa unsa pa nang services ug amenities ug uban pa...
    Last edited by masakiton; 01-25-2013 at 02:43 PM.

  9. #449
    C.I.A. wire's Avatar
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    ...No. We already knew their points why they brought that 'mysterious' words up to the people who were listening and attending the mass on that time, their as in them, the whole body of CBCP tree, they are pro-life, "Yes", and that's is not a sin by Law - by earthly Law and heavenly Law, but one thing is a sin, is that this big word so-called "POVERTY". Poverty comes with some varieties of chain reaction tree to human violence, destruction, anger and up to the faith and trust jurisdiction to each and everyone of us. It is too late to change the world after a mass destruction of over-population rates. Look, it somehow this body of CBCP tree may be correct to say about pro-life but they may be wrong to deliver the correct word of proclaimation, Him should not mention about numbers, him should say in a transparent way, such as for instance, "Dili sala ang manganak kung kinsa toy gustong manganak, basta isalig lang sa Ginoo ang n u pagtoo nga siya kanunay gabantay kaninyo sa lisod ug sa ka haruhay..." - ana bah! May pa ako nalang si Arch. Palma.
    Last edited by wire; 01-25-2013 at 03:38 PM.

  10. #450
    Quote Originally Posted by wire View Post
    May pa ako nalang si Arch. Palma.

    nakatawa ko ani, seriously...daghan magbo-ot sa giwali sa pari....

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