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  1. #401

    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    Uu. Angay basolon ang gobyerno kay ang mga taga Simbahan, nagpakaharuhay ra nya nag sangyaw pa nga manganak pa ta ug daghan para ila napud basolon balik ang gobyerno nga wala kunoy nabuhat..

    wenlove24, di-ara ang circle nga dugay rah nimung gisulit ai..
    Sa pagka tinood wala gyuy mahimo ang simbahan kon igo ra mag tudlo kanato. Ang problema gyud sa atong gobyerno kay mahal na ang mga presyo sa unang commodities ug lana. Kinsa may atong pasanginlan? Ang simbahan na dili man mao ang simbahan ang nangutang na ni abot na ug trillion ang utang sa Pilipinas. Sama ana nangutang ta ug kwarta aron ihapak sa infrastructure, education pero tan-awa unsa nahitabo diba tua sa bulsa sa mga nag pasiugda.

    Nakita nako ang imong kaligutgot sa Simbahan bisan naa ang dakong problema sa atong gobyerno nga angay unta kita mo reklamo sa atong gobyerno. Kay kaning atong gobyerno sa pagka tinood mao ni naghatag nato ug kalisud karon dili ang simbahan.

    Ang pagpanganak ug daghan dili na mao ang problema. Ang problema anaa sa atong gobyerno, pangutana, ngano man mahal ang gatas?, Ngano mahal man ang lana?, ngano mahal man ang bugas? Kinsa diay ang nagpamahal aning atong palitonon diba atong gobyerno? Dayon pasanginlan ang populasyon. Ang Pilipinas dili over-populated kon dili congested sa usa ka lugar. Unsa may naka congested ani nila kay mahitungod kana sa not well distribution of wealth. Mao na ang mga tawo tua pundok sa dagkong syudad like Manila, Cebu pero tan-awa ang Mindanao? over Populated? Dili nuh? Dako pa kaayo ang Pilipinas. Tungod they want to CONTROL US in all our moves mao nay usa nilang target is to lessen the population.

  2. #402
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    Really? Why don't you go out of your pretty little shell sometimes. Look at our country as it is now. How can you seriously say that advocacy worked? You don't want me to base on statistics or on how poor our country is or our quality of education. What do you want me to base it on? On blind faith?? No thanks.

    Typical answer of a person who follows blind faith. Pfft. You're too quick to discuss our spirituality. How about you become humans first before you declare yourselves as holier-than-thou?

    Ok. Here's where maybe we can find a common ground. I am not saying at all that this method doesn't work. But other methods do work- some with even more success rate. Isn't it suspect behavior to you for the Church to be advocating only one method when all it boils down to is preventing pregnancy??

    I don't disagree with this. But STDs can also be prevented through the practice of safe *** using modern contraceptives. So aren't we just promoting the same thing?

    And on another note and this is off-topic, I'm tired of people on their own pedestals questioning my spirituality, my relationship with my God. SOME people who don't practice religion have the most personal relationships with their God than those. If you're arguments are "he's against the Church, he must be against God, or he's not looking into his spirituality..", then there's something seriously wrong with you. I think that the most recent RH bill could in fact help our country at least educate the people- and yeah, I'm looking at the less fortunate, the less informed- on how to plan their family better. And I am seriously against an entity who seeks to take that away from the people by continuing to misinform them. It has nothing to do with my spirituality.

    Brainwashed much?

    EDIT: And oh, Good morning!
    Well bro first of all I'm not in a shell. I see, feed, and care for the poor everyday. I know why people's mentalities remained consistent and persistent despite the urgings of the Church. As what I've told xian, understanding does not always go hand in hand with acceptance. You may be bombarded with a ton of truth, made to understand it and yet refuse to accept it maybe because of a multitude of human reasons. Human. I will not retract my statement on you being too focused on humanity. Humanity per se is overrated. If you have a conscience, then it's impossible to not believe in a soul. Our faith is not blind. Instead, you are the ones blinded by the blinding light of our faith. You say I become a human first. What do you think we are, shapeshifters? And if you think being human means to live according to our instincts is for me too shallow a life to live. Meaningless, useless and without an end in sight. You and people like you keep on accusing those who defend the faith as holier-than-thou when in the first place, they (the faithful) will not and will never benefit from encouraging you to practice what they preach. It will be your lives that will be impacted by it. Not theirs.

    What other methods? You mean the pill that contains abortifacient ingredients? Or the condom that does not prevent transmission of the Human Papilloma Virus which eventually causes cervical cancer? Why are we so quick to control population and yet not curb our sexual appetites? Aren't these artificial contraceptions encouraging an increase in marital infidelity, promiscuity among other evils? Doesn't this constitute to worship of the body rather than of the soul? Oh boy. I smell trouble, eternally speaking.
    You could only wish you could end up with the "it all boils down to preventing pregnancy" claim with regards to church teaching. But it is more than that. Deeper than that.

    On the OT, how did you ever come up with people having a personal relationship with God and did away with religion? Isn't that a complete paradox in itself? Think about it. Maybe people gave word on your spirituality because it seems you don't have one. Or do you?
    On your claim of misinformation, that is you and people like you. You were made to believe that contraception is part of the solution. But it is not. Again and again the church is advocating that self-mastery is key. Controlling all our urges which also include our emotions, appetites for food, clothing, etc. does not contradict with our freedom. If true freedom is what we want, then it is not freedom from law but freedom for and with a purpose. The church can never be conformed to marry any age because she is ageless. If She married one age, She'll be a widow in the next.
    Lastly, we are all bodies with souls. Both go hand in hand and work towards a common goal. On the contrary, discord and chaos is the product of a rivetless society. People without a common good end. People who are scattered because they try with vain effort to eliminate God. Like laws that try to eliminate decay by promoting the use of methods which are the very basis of decay itself.

    I suspect that I may have made wrong assumptions about you. But in any case, it's a good thing you won't get old or sick or die. You will live in that vessel and state. Hurrah to your immortality human.

  3. #403
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisvil View Post
    Sama ana nangutang ta ug kwarta aron ihapak sa infrastructure, education pero tan-awa unsa nahitabo diba tua sa bulsa sa mga nag pasiugda.
    less anak = more chances ma hatag ug maayong quality sa education ang anak
    maayong quality nga education = more chances maka sud ug trabaho nga maayo ug sweldo
    trabaho nga maayo ug sweldo = less dependent sa government

  4. #404
    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    ngano naa man (catholic) missionaries naningkamot man nga ma spread word of god.. labi na sa mga non believers
    Each and everyone of us have been taught to preach the Good News even in a little way. They have formed different missionaries to preach and I myself can be considered as missionary.

  5. #405
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisvil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisvil View Post
    The Church is for everyone and welcome to those who believe.
    ngano naa man (catholic) missionaries naningkamot man nga ma spread word of god.. labi na sa mga non believers
    Each and everyone of us have been taught to preach the Good News even in a little way. They have formed different missionaries to preach and I myself can be considered as missionary.
    ngano naa (catholic) missionaries aron mapa believe ang non believers?

  6. #406
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    ngano naa man (catholic) missionaries naningkamot man nga ma spread word of god.. labi na sa mga non believers
    Because if love is too intense, you have to give it a name after nine months. Kidding aside, because they're driven by love. And how that word is often misused. Their actions are responses to the God who loved us first.

  7. #407
    Elite Member noy.juan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seven_segment View Post
    ah so RH Bill is the solution for "lust" , "irresponsible-ness"....? really?
    im not going down to level your mentality which obviously narrow... im an open minded person like many others... seriously you are narrow..

  8. #408
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisvil View Post
    The Church is for everyone and welcome to those who believe.
    ngano naa man (catholic) missionaries naningkamot man nga ma spread word of god.. labi na sa mga non believers
    Because if love is too intense, you have to give it a name after nine months. Kidding aside, because they're driven by love. And how that word is often misused. Their actions are responses to the God who loved us first.
    amo gi istoryahan

  9. #409
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    I'm sure you won't lose the rest of your twenty-three hours, fifty minutes and God-given seconds of today by watching this.

    Overpopulation is a Myth - YouTube

  10. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    I'm sure you won't lose the rest of your twenty-three hours, fifty minutes and God-given seconds of today by watching this.

    Overpopulation is a Myth - YouTube
    dili mani all about over population

    Ano ang karapatan ng mga bata
    1. Right to be born
    2. Right to have a family that will take care of them
    3. Right to receive a good education
    4. Right to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
    5. Right to have enough food, shelter and healthy.
    6. Right to have a the opportunity to play
    7. Right to be given protection agains abuse, danger and violence
    8. Right to live in a peaceful community
    9. Right to choice and right to make decisions

    if ang family income = 20k pesos / month
    mother + father + 1 child = 20,000 / 3 (person)= 6,666.67 person/person/month= 222.22 pesos/ person/day
    mother + father + 2 child = 20,000 / 4 (person)= 5,000 person/person/month= 166.67 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 3 child = 20,000 / 5 (person)= 4,000 person/person/month = 133.33 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 4 child = 20,000 / 6 (person)= 3333.33 person/person/ month = 111.11 pesos/person/day
    Last edited by masakiton; 01-24-2013 at 04:06 PM.

  11.    Advertisement

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