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Bilib kaayo ko aning mga SEALs oi. The Act of Valor is one of my fav movies ever, I cried and cried and cried. What these men go through in the name of country, haaayyy grabe. I also dreamt of becoming one, ever since I saw The Rock, coolest movie ever. But then I can't even do 10 pushups, so that's that. Anyway, was Steven Seagal ever a SEAL? I talked to this guy who swears on Seagal's awesome sniper skills. Pero bahin ni Bin Laden, I don't care nga unarmed siya oi. Kadtong nangamatay adtong 9/11, unarmed man pud to sila. They could have chopped him up in teeny tiny pieces and made shark food of him, I couldn't care less. One less awful human being, go World!
About ni bin ladin: SOS may ra jud i chop2 lagi. pero unsaon taman basin hadlok sila sa CHR..wahaha. Na issue ra na kay election naman hapit. GItiming pajud sa election so samot ka controversial. mao nang dako kaayo ni nga issue ron sa US kay accomplishments bya na under OBAMA administration, nga wa nabuhat under ni BUSH. So pwede kaayo gamiton na sa Republicans para ma discredit ang claims ni Obama. if iya patong gipaabot paghuman sa election, di ta kaayo ni maissue "cguro".