Originally Posted by
MS windows or MS mobile CRASHES MORE oftern than not.... THAT is WHAT you failed to POINT OUT...
even if your PC didn't CRASH..... look at OTHER USERS of Windows or MS mobile.....
You can POST every LINK on APPLE or MAC that CRASHEs....
BUT that DOESN't ERASE the FACT that MORE and MORE CRASHES of WINDOWS or MS Mobile HAppen.... And people dont bother REPORT them because THEY have accepted its normal.........
Again the mobile PHONE market is a GLOBAL MArket..... ALL Over the GLOBE.....
You can't JUST ADMIT... that A SIMPLE device such as a BLAckberry is OUTSELLING MS Phones.... Blackberyy's have no RSS, Sling player, Industrial applications....
As I said there maybe less than 10 blackberry in the philippines..... BUT that DOESN'T MEAN it losing to MS mobile phone......
Also Blackberry WORKs HERE.......
Do your selling....
IF you want to design a phone go ahead.... lets see if you understand the market....
N95 make sure you are ready with a cebu city map for the GPS... and show me you understand the maket....
3G settle the standards..... why rush
also it is EVERYWHERE already...... why not try make a VIDEO Call in OSLOB cebu
You as a reseller need to sell as many as possible....
I as a customer can think and evaluate.... I decide to wait.... why spend 40,000 for n95
I'd rather use the 40,000 for the Iphone....
so while I keep my 40,000
I can make Unlimited sun to sun calls..... with a basic no frills phone....
are you mental or something? i said the links are to disprove you claims...
i never claimed ms doesnt crash...thus i dont have to point that out...duh!
and besides i already pointed out they are all just electornic devices made by human...none of them are truely perfect!
im not selling phones globaly, thus it would be pointless crying bout sales in US when im selling to Filipinos in the Philippines! how can global sales affect my success?! thats crazy!
again my concern are people here...gets?! you are misleading cebuanos...you are making them feel bad bout not having blackberry and iphone just so you can project your narrow views in life...
i do understand the market here...its you who refuses to accept it...
yeah so my nokia 9500 has blackberry...so stop cry ok
i dont need to buy blackberry branded phone to enjoy blackberry service...
ive never been to oslob...why whould i go there?! im from the city...i live here. i work here.
if you dont have anything better to do, go into the middle of the ocean and see if your long to be released iphone will have signal...haha...its not everywhere man gani! if naka globe ka daghan lugar sa liloan no signal even 2G so give me a break...hmmm, do i hear lame excuse?
yeah no one is stoping you to remain in the stone age...AYAW LANG PANGDAMAY SA UBAN!
you keep crying bout hightech this and that, most advance ui blah blah...yet you are trying to prevent others from enjoying other hightech advance stuff thats not apple...why is that? are you asking everyone to save up 40k for the rest of the year to buy iphone in 2008?! hehehe...funny!