Hello everyone , I was thinking about this venture for over a year already.
Although I can easily access the Department of Agriculture for assistance but I want to ask first anyone here who has experience and knowledge about
farming on :
- Fruit bearing trees
- Vegetables
and rearing animals :
- Hogs
- Goats
- Cattles
Considering I want to focus first on FRUIT BEARING TREES like MANGOES , STAR APPLES , GUYABANOS , SANTOL , LOMBOY etc. and raise livestock like goats and cattles , these are my first couple questions and hope someone experienced and knowledgeable enough can provide me an insight . Thanks in advance.
1. What kind of terrain and composition of land should I acquire ?
2. At a minimum , how much land or the feasible modest land area should I acquire for me to get started ?
3. What kind of permits do I need for me to operate an agricultural farm ?
4. What other by products are available at the disposal of the assets I will have in the future ?
5. Are the good kinds of cow's available locally intended to produce premium cow meat ?
Thank you !