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  1. #41

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    pekiti tirsia? sounds like foreign, or indian sounding, pinoy pud na?

    bitaw, puhon, ngiga nimo boss, singapore hongkong, tsk tsk tsk... daghana nimog na adtuan bai, kami tawn,cebu ra,

  2. #42

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    Pekiti Tirsia - 100% Filipino Martial Arts na chocomai.

    Pekiti - meaning Close same as sikit, du-ul,
    Tirsia - meaning Quarters.

    So, it means sa inglis, Close-Quarters. Although, I'm not a pekiti tirsia practitioner but ang ilahang Supreme GrandMaster kai si Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr. nga Ilonggo. Tikal gid... hehehehe

    Sa akong trabaho - Ang main office nako is diha sa Cebu pero ang Citibank ang sige ug padala nako sa ubang lugar... kapoi kaayo kai sige ta ug biyahe.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    That is EXACTLY what I was portraying in winning fights against MULTIPLE ATTACKERS . The use and taking of advantage on MINDSETS and PSYWARS .

    UNhan nimo sa GULAT then attack utilizing the element of surprise . Its not a matter of gi unsa nimo pag dumog but how to get out ALIVE or if you just want to prove something , who is the LAST MAN STANDING .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  4. #44

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    pero mga bro, in my previous posts, i was saying that MINDSETS and PSYWARS are not exclusive to DUMOG, its in almost all martial arts.

    peace bro

  5. #45

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    I know what you mean but tro be specific bro sa BJJ , you spend a lot of precious time to only one OPPONENT . DI man ka pwede mo headlock or armlock na dunganon ang 2 ka opponent . Though we see it in the movies na possible , unya ug 3 diay ang opponent ?

    Mas maayo pa mag NINJA ta kay si NINJO ra makapatay nato hehehe .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #46

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    i dont know, yeah you can only headlock one opponent AT ANY ONE MOMENT, just like muay thai, you can only kick one guy at any one time, just like dumog, you can only bite one guy at any one time, you can only eyegouge one guy at any one time, even in arnis, or knifefighting, u can only cut one guy at one moment.

    unless you can headlock one guy and armlock another guy, dumog or whatever martial arts, it is still gonna be a one on one fight a one on one fight. Your mindset may be prepared for multiple opponents but with each encounter, for a moment, you only focus on one opponent with every "attack" be it a punch, a kick, a bite, a knee an elbow a headbut, a kamras, an eyegouge etc.

    a "one vs many" fights is nothing more than a quick series of short "one on one" fights.

    unless there is a martial art where you can puch 3 guys simultaneously in one move, kage bunshin, or what, ALL MARTIAL ARTS, DURING A REAL FIGHT, when you disect a street fight or a sport fight or a whatever fight, with every "encounter" each move, each attack each defense, it is always directed at one target during that given moment in time.

    unless si naruto ka

  7. #47

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    Good analogies chocomai and springfield. Aloow me to put in more logical way to an effective sets during the fight - street, single or multiple opponents is to think that YOU can fight at least three opponents in any given period of time. Of course wa pai Martial Arts nga makabuhat ug single strike unya hapla dayun ang tulo ka kontra nimo - why? because we onle have 2 hands and 2 legs -- the mindset is HOW to get in and get out ug 3 ka attackers ang mo hasmag nimo. Where as ang mindset karon sa BJJs is more on sport behavior and more on one-on-one opponent IN the ring - dili didto sa streets like colon, sanciangko, pasil ug uban pang lugar nga known sa mga rambol.

    Now training in multiple attackers have great advantage... not just BJJ or Dumog, all martial artists should think the same way... SURVIVAL. Sport is just for competition, trophies, merit, certifiactions, credentials uf uban pa. We should NEVER EVER think of just sport only. You will be surprised how the body works. Ss, if you train in BJJ or Dumog, ALWAYS think the "what ifs" situation and how would you counter and use your abilities that was pass onto you... I call that THOUGHT PROVOKING PROCESS.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    exactly! all martial artists should think the same way... survival.
    kill or be killed, so whether you train in whatever martial art, its the mental game that give u the edge.
    and not the martial arts style.

    yupp we only ave two arms and two legs, a puch will always be a punch, a kick will always be a kick. ive heard bruce lee say that in many many documentaries, its always about the mental and psychological training.

    a guy who doesnt know any martial art, CAN still beat a guy who knows some martial art(whether dumog BJJ whatever) if its a life or death situation,.

    mentally conditioning/training multiple attackers is indeed essential for survival in a fight.
    carbon ? pasil ? colon? tsk tsk tsk.. pirme ko diha bai, (palit dvd, ug adto sa ukay ukay ngita judo gi) hehehehe:P thankfully wa pko kasugat ug rambol.

    although some idiot suddenly embraced me and said "brod, long time no see" (modus siguro)
    nahibong lang ko. but my super evil staredown eyes pushed him away, and my wallet was still safely in my pocket.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    i dont know, yeah you can only headlock one opponent AT ANY ONE MOMENT, just like muay thai, you can only kick one guy at any one time, just like dumog, you can only bite one guy at any one time, you can only eyegouge one guy at any one time, even in arnis, or knifefighting, u can only cut one guy at one moment.
    unless you can headlock one guy and armlock another guy, dumog or whatever martial arts, it is still gonna be a one on one fight a one on one fight. Your mindset may be prepared for multiple opponents but with each encounter, for a moment, you only focus on one opponent with every "attack" be it a punch, a kick, a bite, a knee an elbow a headbut, a kamras, an eyegouge etc.
    I totally DIASGREE with this concept CHOCOMAI . I can choke SINYALAN while giving you a SIDE KICK at the same time . I can grab SINYALANS balls while I gouge your eyeballs also at the same time . It is POSSIBLE yet to be executed with finesse and timing yet it is more of an advantage compared to BJJ . Ibutang ta lang 4 imong attackers , they might have attack you the same time but as what ive said , 2 ang tumba dayon or we'll put it this way , they will be hurt big time . 2 na lang huna huna-on nimo which can be executed again of the same tactic as long as dont go to the grown with them .

    On the otherhand sa BJJ , mintras ga headlock ka or naka mount sa usa ka kontra , 3 pairs of feet are already kicking your head like a soccer ball . I am not saying DUMOG is more of EFFECTIVE than BJJ but a mrere an ADVANTAGE . Yes kung mag one on one ang BJJ and DUMOG you know where I will put my bet on .

    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  10. #50

    Default Re: Filipino Dumog vs. BJJ Grappling

    but i can bahiana takedown 1 guy in 1 second, single leg the other guy and then, do a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper double leg on the other guy, go back to the first guy, knee on chest him, give 5 elbows to the eyes, jump up, soccer kick the second guy in the head, dash to the third guy, and if his balls are good targets id swing a kick.

    and you cannot choke sinyalan while giving me a sidekick, thats impossible, the choke or the sidekick will be ineffective, if you kick the choke becomes loose, if you choke, the kick becomes sloppy.

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