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  1. #31

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    the only eye candy I can find on the galaxy nexus is it's OS... Android 4.0.2.... Smooth UI and everything...

    Other than that.. if given all other smartphones would be updated to ICS already (Gnote, GS2, DroidRazr just to name a few)... I'm sure Gnex would just be a smartphone unheard of... specwise on hardware side... there is really nothing noteworthy or features that deserves special mention with.....

    Again, what Gnex has an edge right now is ICS... without ICS... I wouldn't even think it deserves to be in the ranks of other smartphones out there(GS2, Gnote, droidrazr)...

    Don't forget.. the Official Smartphone carried and recognized by Samsung is stil the SGS2, not the Gnex.. Not to be fanboy or anything but I still like the form factor of the S2 over the Gnex.. If not lang gmayan nako sa screen hehehe the more I used it everyday..

    Last edited by J.Abz; 01-17-2012 at 07:31 PM.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    bro, i got my google nexus s at globe ayala and i need to upgrade it to Ice Cream Sandwich. how can i do it?

  3. #33

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    @J.Abz - that's what you think bro. some of us though, think otherwise.
    I have access to most high-end phones (including the ones you mentioned GS2, Gnote, Razr, and GS2 LTE among others).
    I'm sure I pretty much liked it more than the rest.
    taking into account that some apps haven't been optimized for ICS yet(talk about fragmentation), I still haven't encountered any app that doesn't run well on the device.
    Have you tried those other phones you mentioned prior to your conclusion?
    Last edited by lemmy_0; 01-17-2012 at 10:17 PM.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    Quote Originally Posted by krokignol View Post
    bro, i got my google nexus s at globe ayala and i need to upgrade it to Ice Cream Sandwich. how can i do it?
    I'm not sure if the official ICS for Nexus S has been rolled out but I'm sure custom devs have it already. I even had it on my SGS last year.
    head to XDA developers.
    you'll find what you need there
    Last edited by lemmy_0; 01-17-2012 at 10:31 PM.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    Quote Originally Posted by lemmy_0 View Post
    @J.Abz - that's what you think bro. some of us though, think otherwise.
    I have access to most high-end phones (including the ones you mentioned GS2, Gnote, Razr, and GS2 LTE among others).
    I'm sure I pretty much liked it more than the rest.
    taking into account that some apps haven't been optimized for ICS yet(talk about fragmentation), I still haven't encountered any app that doesn't run well on the device.
    Have you tried those other phones you mentioned prior to your conclusion?
    Oh yeah I've tried it and feel all the phones I mentioned above. My cuzins and aunts have those and I tried each one but still my favors are with the S2..

    Again, I am not alone in my stand in saying that All the worth in GNex is... is it's ICS only... and that's it. Other than that.. It is one crappy device not comparable to the phones I mentioned above. Once most of the smartphones get updated to ICS themselves, Gnex is and would just be on the tail end in the smartphone business...

    Don't forget... SIII would ultimately be soon release also.. making Gnex out into oblivion.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich


    oblivion? in your world maybe.
    ug gasunod kag development sa android bro, ang google na flagship phones gyud mag-una.
    unsay naa sa imong sgs2 nga wa sa nexus? ug unsay naa sa nexus nga wa sa sgs?
    Last edited by lemmy_0; 01-17-2012 at 11:26 PM.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    hmm.. I don't like comparing the two as it has been all throughout the web already for reviews between your Nexus and other smartphones, just check youtube for comparative reviews between the Galaxy Nexus and SGS2 or Galaxy Note vs GNex or Gnex vs Motorola Razr Droid..

    been a member also on xda-devs and I too checks the issues on each smartphones presented there, Gnex, Gnote, GSG2, Droidrazr, the development of custom ROMS on each devices...and yes gasunod ko sa development on each custom ROMS on the each respective devices.

    Anyway here's the comparison on your Gnex and the Motorola Droid Razr as presented by Andy of Just like to tell you Andy is one of the respected reviewer and also a constant developer in Xda-Dev... You can see his full review on the link below.. and the video....

    Motorola Droid Razr vs Samsung Galaxy Nexus |

    watch his review and even him is surprise on the turnout of his review..

  8. #38

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    just like to tell you that even comparing SGS2 and DroidRazr is like comparing the apple to an orange... each one has its highlights and downlights... but nothing beats the SuperAmoled + screen over just the SuperAmoled.. and mas saturated pa gani ang Razr kay sa SGS2...

    So hmm.. again if your asking unsay naa sa SGS2 over the Gnex?

    Bigger screen
    Higer Resolution screen
    Bettor buttons

    Galaxy S2
    Better contrast/colors
    Stereo FM radio with RDS
    Micro SD
    Louder speakers
    30% better battery life Aprox
    Better sound quility in video recording
    2 MP front facing camera
    8 MP, smile detection, image stabilization
    Better GPU /Exynos
    Less lag
    Faster booting

    Head over this link to know what other users have to say on the comparison
    Galaxy S2 vs Galaxy Nexus - xda-developers
    Last edited by J.Abz; 01-18-2012 at 03:30 AM.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich


    better contrast/colors? that would be relative to who's viewing.
    i find the color rendering on the sgs2, no offense, ugly.

    lighter and thinner, still relative.
    i for one passed on the razr because of this.
    difference isn't even noticable with the sgs2

    louder speakers? better sound quality in recording?
    naa ka test data to back this up?

    as for battery life, very understandable.
    very young os. expect this area to get better.
    most apps aren't optimized for ics yet.

    better gpu? on paper, slightly.
    you noticed any difference on their capabilities?

    less lag and faster booting - haha. basin nexus s imong gitest. lol. jk

  10. #40

    Default Re: Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich

    oh, and sd card, i don't know how you'd need more than 16gb.

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