the only eye candy I can find on the galaxy nexus is it's OS... Android 4.0.2.... Smooth UI and everything...
Other than that.. if given all other smartphones would be updated to ICS already (Gnote, GS2, DroidRazr just to name a few)... I'm sure Gnex would just be a smartphone unheard of... specwise on hardware side... there is really nothing noteworthy or features that deserves special mention with.....
Again, what Gnex has an edge right now is ICS... without ICS... I wouldn't even think it deserves to be in the ranks of other smartphones out there(GS2, Gnote, droidrazr)...
Don't forget.. the Official Smartphone carried and recognized by Samsung is stil the SGS2, not the Gnex.. Not to be fanboy or anything but I still like the form factor of the S2 over the Gnex.. If not lang gmayan nako sa screen hehehe the more I used it everyday..