If you cant be proud of who you are...then who do you think will be proud of you...?
It all boils down to you lang ghapon...
before you throw any fingers to anybody in the government or to anyone... examine yourself first...
what have you done lately or what have you contribute to make your fellow filipino's life a bit better than what he is experiencing right now.
Blaming others is always been a trademark to us filipinos... We blame GOD, we blame the weather, we blame our neighbor, we blame the chinese, we blame the americans, we blame the spaniards, we blame the people in the government, we blame our family.. heck we always blame someone or something for the life we have now....
? for the sad and sorry state of our country?
Each and every one of us, has a responsibility to do and take... It's not him, her, she or you.. ITS OURS...
the moment you accept yourself that you also have a role to take in making this country a bit nicer to live by... is the moment we can be proud of ourselves and to the world....
It's start in us, you and me....making and helping together... STOP BLAMING.. We have, each one of us have a fault to the sorry state of what our country has become....